家中有了這綜合蔬菜派, 蠻方便的, 它可以當做魚肉類主食的配菜, 當然也可以單獨享用。所以我通常會一次做多一點, 一部份冷藏起來。
我使用了市場裡可以取得的根莖類蔬菜, 你也可以依自己喜好做調整, 若是選擇帶水較多的蔬菜, 必須盡可能的將水分瀝乾。
1 條中型櫛瓜, 切丁
1 顆羅馬種花椰菜 (羅馬種花椰菜的體型較白花椰菜小, 若使用白花椰菜, 只需約200-250公克), 切成小花塊 (florets)
1 條胡蘿蔔, 去皮、切丁
1 中型蕃薯, 去皮、切丁
1 把嫩波菜葉 (若使用中式波菜, 帶梗的部位含水量多, 請在川燙後將水分瀝、擠乾)
4 顆馬鈴薯 (waxy potato, 馬鈴薯請選含粉量高、含水量低的品種)
2 顆蕪菁, 去皮、切丁
1 根蒜苗 (我用的是leek, 如果找不到的話也可用大蒜苗取代), 只取白色部位, 切細絲
1 顆紅洋蔥, 切丁
30克 無鹽奶油
2匙 (約30克)有機中筋麵粉
30克刨絲 Comté 起士 (我用的有AOP, 12個月熟成的Comté 起士, 因只有12個月熟成所以較柔和並帶有果香味, 也可使用味道柔和、較年輕的 cheddar起士 )
30克刨絲 帕馬森Reggiano乾酪
1小匙 帶籽芥末
150ml 乾白酒
125ml 法式酸奶 (crème fraîche, 也可使用濃鮮奶油, 但請調整為150ml)
250ml 蔬菜高湯 (第一次做此蔬菜派, 我使用現成的蔬菜凍; 第二次我用了蒸蔬菜所出的蔬菜水加一小撮海鹽)
外加一張千層派皮(若使用冷凍的派皮, 請先解凍) 和一顆有機雞蛋, 少許牛奶做刷派皮用的蛋汁
1. 將根莖類蔬菜 (胡蘿蔔、蕃薯、馬鈴薯、蕪菁) 先蒸約10-15分鐘 (至8分熟), 加入花椰菜和櫛瓜繼續蒸約8-10分鐘即可離火, 放於一旁備用
2. 嫩波菜葉會在最後拌入熱的醬汁
3. 用奶油慢炒蒜苗絲和洋蔥至軟 (小火約8-10分鐘), 但注意別讓蒜苗絲和洋蔥上色
4. 轉中火, 將麵粉一匙匙加入並攪拌均勻, 拌炒此麵糊約3分鐘 (需不停的拌炒以防焦化)
5. 轉大火, 倒入乾白酒, 迅速攪拌均勻, 待酒煮沸後即可加入蔬菜高湯和法式酸奶 (crème fraîche)
6. 將此醬汁煮沸, 轉小火, 加入2種刨絲的起士和帶籽芥末
7. 加入嫩波菜葉和蒸過的蔬菜, 迅速攪拌均勻並試一下調味
8. 熄火, 將派餡裝進一個個單一烤皿(餡料可儘可能填滿), 稍微放涼
9. 用水杯或切麵器將千層派皮切比烤皿大約1公分的圓片
10. 將派皮覆蓋住烤皿,
要冷藏的派, 請烤約12分鐘, 至千層派皮剛開始澎漲, 派皮表面還未上色, 待完全放涼後即可冷藏保存
冷藏的派要再次加熱時, 請於前一晚於冷凍庫取出並放於冰箱解凍, 放進已預熱200C的烤箱烤20-25分鐘, 至派皮呈金黃即可
English Version:
Veggies pie
This pie becomes handy if you make a big batch and keep them in the freezer. They are great served as a side dish!
I used some root vegetables I can find in the market and you can alter some of them to your taste. If you prefer to use some leafy vegetables, make sure your get rid of as much excess water as possible.
1 courgette, diced
1 Roman cauliflower, cut into small florets
1 carrot, peeled and diced
1 sweet potato, peeled and diced
1 handful of baby spinach
4 waxy potato, peeled and diced
2 turnips, peeled and diced
Sauce & seasonings:
1 leek, white part only, thinly sliced
1 red onion, diced
30g unsalted butter
2 tablespoons organic plain flour
30g grated Comté cheese (I used the AOP'd Comté that has been matured for 12 months as it is still mild and fruity. You may also use other mild cheddar.)
30g grated Parmesan Reggiano
1 teaspoon wholegrain mustard
150ml dry white wine
125g crème fraîche
250ml vegetable stock
(The first time I made this pie, I used bought vegetable jelly with 250ml of water. The second time, I used the vegetable liquid reserved from steaming vegetables and seasoned with a pinch of sea salt.)
Plus 1 sheet of puff pastry and 1 organic egg and some milk for the egg wash.
1. Arrange the prepared vegetables in a steamer, except the courgette, Roman cauliflower and spinach. Only add the courgette and cauliflower to the steamer after the root vegetables are nearly cooked. Once the courgette and cauliflower are added, let it steam for another 8-10 minutes and remove the vegetables from the heat and set aside until ready to use.
2. Reserve the spinach until last as it only needs to be mixed through.
3. Saute the leek and onion with the butter slowly until the mixture is soft. Be careful not to brown the mixture.
4. Add the flour (spoon by spoon) to the leek mixture, stir often. Increase the heat to medium and cook the mixture for a few minutes.
5. Increase the heat to high, add the wine and let it boil for a few minutes before adding the stock and crème fraîche.
6. Bring the sauce to the boil and turn the heat down to a low. Add the cheeses and mustard.
7. Add the reserved spinach and steamed vegetables. Mix well and check for the seasoning.
8. Remove from the heat and spoon the mixture into individual ramekins. Allow it to cool off a bit.
Preheat the oven to 200C
9. Use a pastry cutter or water glass to cut the puff pastry. They should be slightly larger to your ramekins. (If you are using frozen puff pastry, please remove it 10 minutes before using it.)
10. Once the pie filling is cooled, top with a round of puff pastry. Brush the pastry with the egg wash and bake for 15-20 minutes if it is to be served right away. If you would like to keep some in your freezer for later, bake for only 12 minutes, just until the pastry starts to puff but not coloured too much. Allow these to cool completely before storing in the freezer.