2 片小牛肋排 (已去骨, 厚度約為1.5公分; 小牛肋排於冰箱內約30分鐘前取出)
1 小把義式 (扁葉 flat-leaf) 香芹, 切碎
1 顆黃檸檬汁
40克 無鹽奶油
1. 先將一不沾鍋以大火加至非常熱
2. 丟入一半的奶油 (這時奶油會迅速冒泡, 接著呈焦化), 加入小牛肋排
3. 一面煮1分鐘, 另一面約40秒; 將小牛肋排取出並放於一溫盤'休息 '
4. 小牛肋排休息的同時來做醬汁。先將火降至小火, 加入檸檬汁並將鍋內的肉汁、焦化固體刮一刮 (deglaze), 待此液體一煮沸便可加入另一半的奶油和切碎的香芹, 將醬汁攪拌均勻
5. 熄火並將奶油檸檬醬淋於小牛肋排上即可, 可自行搭配喜愛的蔬菜
(圖中看到的是, 快炒有機櫛瓜丁搭配此小牛肋排佐奶油檸檬醬)
English Version:
Veal entrecôte with a lemon butter sauce
Here is another quick and delicious dinner in less than 15 minutes...
2 veal entrecôtes (about 1.5 cm thick, each)
1 small bunch flat leaf parsley, finely chopped
juice of a lemon
40g unsalted butter
sea salt and pepper to season
*Please remove the entrecôtes from the fridge 30 minutes prior to cooking.
1. Heat a non-stick frying pan until very hot.
2. Add half of the butter and then the entrecôtes
3. Cook for about 1 minute on one side and 40 seconds on the other side. Transfer the meat to a warm plate to rest.
4. Reduce the heat to low. Add the lemon juice and deglaze the frying pan a bit. When the sauce starts to boil, add the butter and chopped parsley and mix well.
5. Turn off the heat and pour this sauce over the veal entrecôtes. Serve with your preferred greens.
(As shown in picture, some pan-fried organic courgettes were also served with the entrecôte.)