因為想要再做一批雞湯, 所以便挑了一隻放養雞。對我來說這是最實惠的, 因為切下來的雞肉塊可以變成一美味佳餚, 剩下的雞骨架來做我的高湯...
看看冰箱內還有之前做鱈魚白菜捲所剩的Savory cabbage(自譯 洋白菜), 還有一些我家冰箱的不可或缺品如, 有機濃鮮奶油、厚培根、料理用白酒和花椰菜...就這樣, 一 道滋補又簡單的奶香燉雞誕生了。
1 隻放養雞 (約1.5 公斤), 切大塊
2 片煙燻厚培根, 切成條狀
150ml 烹調用乾白酒
200ml 有機濃鮮奶油 (double cream, 含脂量約30%-40%)
200ml 雞湯
10-12 白菜葉, 洗淨切成條狀
1青花椰菜, 切成小塊
1. 將琺瑯鑄鐵鍋加熱, 加入極少量特級橄欖油並將雞塊分別煎至金黃, 取出放於一盤中
2. 在同一鍋中, 加入煙薰培根條, 香煎數分鐘, 瀝掉多數的油, 只留下約一小匙用來炒洋白菜
3. 洋白菜炒約2-3分鐘, 至稍微變軟
4. 加入雞塊, 轉大火, 倒入白酒煮沸數分鐘讓酒精揮發
5. 加入雞湯, 待醬汁煮沸後加蓋, 轉小火慢燉25分鐘
6. 加入有機濃鮮奶油和青花椰菜, 醬汁煮沸後即可
English Version:
Chicken & cabbage with a creamy sauce
I wanted to make another batch of chicken stock so the most practical way was to get a nice free-range chicken. By doing so, I get to prepare a nice chicken dish and keep the carcase for a nice homemade chicken stock.
A quick look in the fridge, found some Savory cabbage left from the making of the steamed cod rolls, and some usual items such as, organic cream, lardon, cooking white wine and broccoli...and voila, a simple chicken casserole was served!
1 free-range chicken (about 1.5 kg), jointed
2 rashers smoked bacon (lardon), cut into strips
150 ml cooking white wine
200 ml of organic double cream
200 ml of chicken stock
10-12 leaves of Savory cabbage, cut into strips
1 broccoli, cut into florets
1. Heat a heavy-based saucepan over a medium heat and brown the chicken pieces with some olive oil in batches. Place the browned chicken pieces in one plate.
2. In the same saucepan, fry the lardon for a few minutes. Drain off any excess fat, and reserve just enough to fry the cabbage.
3. Add the cabbage and fry for a few minutes until slightly wilted.
4. Add the chicken pieces and increase the heat to high. Pour in the white wine and let it boil for a few minutes.
5. Add the chicken stock and bring the sauce to the boil. Turn the heat down and cover the saucepan with its lid. Let it simmer for 25 minutes.
6. Remove the lid. Add the cream and broccoli to the saucepan and bring it to the boil.
Serve immediately with some pasta or crusty bread.