

在法國還蠻容易取得不錯的油封雞、鴨胗; 只要將油封雞、鴨胗稍微煎一下再配上一微酸的芥末籽沙拉醬...一道吃了會讓人感到幸福的溫沙拉即完成。


300公克 油封雞胗
2 人份綜合沙拉嫩葉

1顆 法式紅蔥頭, 切碎
1大匙 檸檬汁
2茶匙 帶籽芥末
1瓣大蒜, 去皮、壓碎
你最好的特級橄欖油, 約50-60ml


將所需的材料放入一小玻璃罐, 使力搖至乳化即可。放置一旁備用。 (若是喜歡嗆一點的口味, 可以使用一瓣切碎的大蒜來取代, 因壓碎的那瓣大蒜稍後會被取出。)


1.  將綜合嫩沙拉葉洗淨, 可用一沙拉脫水器將沙拉葉瀝乾水分、放於一旁備用
2.  用中小火將油封雞胗煎至微焦化



3.  將綜合嫩沙拉葉均分於盤中, 加上煎過的油封雞胗; 適量的淋上沙拉醬(壓碎的大蒜請取出)即完成



*若是無法購買到真空包的油封雞、鴨胗, 也可自行製做 (原理類似油封鴨):
(Confit 油封是指將肉類, 在自己的油脂中藉由低溫烹調來延長其保存期限。自己的油脂意指: 若是使用鴨肉即以鴨油來封, 雞肉即以雞油來封...以此類推, 但隨著廚藝和料理界的不斷創新求變, 油封的種類也從自己的油脂增加至植物油、橄欖油等...舉凡藉於各式油脂, 低溫烹調而成皆達油封的目的。)

先將雞胗用粗海鹽醃24小時 (放於冰箱內)


雞胗從冰箱取出後, 用清水沖洗雞胗數次 (目的是為了洗去雜質和去除腥味) 並擦乾水分。
將雞油放入一琺瑯鑄鐵鍋, 以65-70C的溫度將雞油融化, 放入雞胗 (油必須蓋住雞胗); 放入烤箱煮1.5-2小時, 至軟嫩。(也可放入去皮的大蒜、月桂葉、黑胡椒粒等提香)

English Version:

Warm confit of chicken gizzards salad

It is easy to get pretty nice quality of chicken gizzards or duck gizzards confits here.  A zingy mustard dressing and the gizzards make a delicious warm salad.

300g confit of chicken gizzards
mixed young salad leaves for 2 people

Salad dressing:
1 French shallots, finely chopped
1 tablespoon lemon juice
2 teaspoons wholegrain mustard
1 garlic clove, peeled and crushed
your best quality of extra virgin olive oil (about 50-60ml)
1 tiny pinch of fleur de sel

To make the dressing:
Place all the required ingredients into a small jar and shake to emulsify.  Set aside until ready to use.  (If you like your dressing a bit more piquant, you may mince 1 raw garlic instead of using the crushed garlic.)

1.  Rinse and dry the mixed young salad leaves in a salad spinner.
2.  In a frying pan, slowly fry the gizzards until lightly browned and caramelised.
3.  Divide the leaves among two serving plates and top with the gizzards.  Drizzle the salad with the mustard dressing (discard the crushed garlic) and serve.

Here is how to make your own gizzard confits (similar to making duck confits) if the ready-made is not available:
*Confit means to preserve the meat in fat (preferably in its own fat) and it is usually done in a low cooking temperature.  

Marinate gizzards with a generous amount of coarse sea salt overnight in the fridge.

Preheat the oven to 120C
Rinse the gizzards a few times to remove the salt and any impurities.  Dry the gizzards with some kitchen papers.  Slowly melt (the ideal temperature is between 65-70C) the chicken fat (if using chicken gizzards) in a heavy-based saucepan.  Submerge the gizzards in the fat (you may add some herbs or garlic to enhance the flavour) and cook slowly for 1.5 - 2 hours, until the gizzards are tender.  


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