前幾天做了2批覆盆子醬 (raspberry coulis), 1批送給朋友, 1批自己享用...我真的太喜歡覆盆子了...
350公克 覆盆子
3.5大匙 糖粉
1.5大匙 黃檸檬汁
1. 將所有材料用食物調理機或果汁機打成泥
2. 將覆盆子泥過篩、去籽 (可使用一小湯匙輕壓覆盆子泥)於一乾淨的容器
3. 將容器密封, 放置冰箱至需要使用時
English Version
Raspberry coulis
I made two batches of raspberry coulis the other day; some for my friend and some for us. I just love raspberries in any dessert!
350g raspberries
3.5 tablespoons icing sugar
1.5 tablespoons lemon juice
1. Puree raspberries, sugar and lemon juice in a blender.
2. Sieve the mixture into a clean container.
3. Cover and set aside until needed.
This raspberry coulis is great with crêpes, vanilla ice cream and French toast.