某個晚上, 突然好想吃冰沙...便將100公克的覆盆子、100 ml 的鳳梨萊姆汁、3-4 大匙的草莓優格用打汁機打一打, 將冰沙倒入一杯中, 淋上一匙Vodka...喜歡這樣酸酸甜甜的滋味!
(註: 我喜歡將一些新鮮水果切小塊, 分別放入小盒中冷藏, 方便我隨時過一過冰沙癮)
English Version
Another round of late night sweet treat - frosty berries & vodka smoothie
Felt like some fruity sorbet the other night....so here is another quick fix before midnight:
100g frozen raspberry
100 ml pineapple & lime juice
3-4 tablespoons strawberry yogurt
1 tablespoon chilled Vodka
Place everything, except the vodka into a blender and whiz until well mixed. Pour the frosty smoothie into a serving glass and pour the vodka over it....hummm!
*(I like to keep a variety of chopped fresh fruit in small containers and freeze them as they can be so handy whenever I feel like a frosty smoothie!)