

覆盆子 Friand 小蛋糕

在上一篇的有機覆盆子塔文章中有提到friand小蛋糕, friands (financier 法文) - 是一種使用蛋白、杏仁粉 (ground almonds or almond meal)、砂糖、淨化奶油 (clarified butter) 所製做出來的小蛋糕; 澳洲版的 friand 通常是小橢圓形狀, 且常會加入其它莓果; 法國的 friand / financier 有甜有鹹, 甜的可成小圓或長方形狀, 厚度較澳洲版薄; 兩者皆為內部濕潤的小蛋糕 (茶點); 鹹版的其實完全脫離了 '蛋糕' 的型, 是使用派皮包小香腸 (類似澳洲 piggy in a blanket)。

在此分享我的(澳洲版)覆盆子 Friand 小蛋糕食譜:
(圖中看到的是Friand 小蛋糕的專用膜)

100克 杏仁粉*(ground almonds or almond meal)
165克 糖粉 (icing sugar; 我使用糖粉因為一來可以使此小蛋糕內部較為濕潤, 二來可以使此小蛋糕質地細緻)
65克 有機中筋麵粉
6顆 有機雞蛋白
115克 融化的無鹽奶油 (或淨化奶油 clarified butter)
100克 有機覆盆子

*杏仁粉 - ground almonds or almond meal 指的是去皮杏仁或帶皮杏仁打成粉狀 (台灣一般所喝的杏仁奶的杏仁是將杏桃 apricot 子的內部 (成白色) 磨成粉), 蛋糕甜點中一般會使用的是ground almonds or almond meal。

烤箱預熱至 180C

1.  先將膜具塗上薄薄一層的奶油 (也可在塗上奶油後, 輕輕的灑上一層麵粉)
2.  將杏仁粉、糖粉和麵粉混合均勻


3.  倒入蛋白, 混合均勻



4.  倒入融化的無鹽奶油, 混合均勻



5.  將蛋糕糊倒進Friand膜, 並在每一個膜中放上3-4顆有機覆盆子


6.  烤25分鐘, 至成淡金黃即可


7.  出烤箱後, 待5分鐘後再將 Friand 小蛋糕重膜中取出, 於烤架上放涼



老公太愛crème pâtissière (卡士達醬), 所以要求搭配著一起享用
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English Version:

Raspberry Friands

It has been a while since I last made some friands...and since there were some egg whites left from the making of the crème pâtissière and I had my friands tin arrived from's time for me to introduce these little treats to my hubby!

(*Financier is the French for friand but there are two types of financiers here (in France).  The ingredients for the sweet version are similar to the Aussie ones, except it usually comes in the shape of rectangle and much thinner than the Aussie ones.  The savory version is transformed into a complete different pastry;  it is more like the piggy in a blanket for us.)

Here is my friand recipe:
(Makes 9)

100g ground almonds
165g icing sugar
65g organic plain flour
6 organic egg whites
115g unsalted butter, melted (or clarified butter)
100g organic raspberry

Preheat the oven to 180C

1.  Grease a non-stick friand tin.
2.  Mix together the ground almonds, ici sugar, and flour.
3.  Add the egg whites and mix well.
4.  Add the melted butter and mix well.
5.  Pour the batter into the tins and arrange 3-4 raspberries on top of each friand.
6.  Bake for 25 minutes or until lightly golden.
7.  Remove from the oven and leave in the tin for 5 minutes
8.  Turn out onto a rack to cool.

Hubby adores that crème pâtissière so he requested to have some with his friands!

    創作者 janny 的頭像

    普羅旺斯的天空下 Living in Provence

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