春天的到來, 對我來說就是烤羊腿時間, 不單是一道象徵性的料理, 更是想跟著季節而料理; 季節給什麼就煮什麼。
味道, 就應該是這麼簡單, 不應該被複雜; 學習運用當季與在地化的食材, 將原始的美味變為簡單的幸福。
2.1 公斤 羊腿, 帶羊膝
4-5 大枝迷迭香
1 整顆大蒜
約500-600ml 干白酒, 室溫
羊腿於冰箱取出, 放於室溫1小時
1. 將迷迭香葉取下切碎
2. 於一碗中加入碎迷迭香、海鹽與3-4大匙特級橄欖油, 攪拌均勻
3. 將此香料油均勻抹滿 (並按摩) 已回溫的羊腿, 放於室溫醃1.5小時
準備大蒜: 分別將瓣撥開、去皮並將每瓣大蒜(視大小而異)切2-3片
4. 用刀尖於羊腿全身均勻割滿分別約1.5公分深的小口袋; 分別將大蒜片塞入
5. 將羊腿放進一大烤盤, 先以此高溫烤30分鐘
6. 烤箱降溫至170C, 羊腿取出並淋上350ml干白酒, 略蓋 (非包住) 上一張鋁箔紙接著烤40分鐘
7. 羊腿取出、翻面再淋上150-200ml干白酒, 略蓋 (非包住) 上一張鋁箔紙繼續烤1小時
8. 烤箱溫度轉至190C, 羊腿取出、翻面並將烤盤內的汁液來回淋上數次*, 移除鋁箔紙繼續烤25-30分鐘
(*將烤盤內的汁液來回淋上數次的步驟很重要; 除了保持羊腿的多汁, 白酒中的酒精蒸發後其中的糖份與羊腿、膝的蛋白膠質幫助焦化均勻上色)
9. 羊腿取出並放於另一溫盤, 以鋁箔紙密封休息40分鐘
10. 烤盤內的油脂去除, 肉汁倒入一醬鍋並以大火收汁4-5分鐘
11. 羊腿分切, 淋上白酒肉汁即完成
English Version:
Slow roast of herbed Spring lamb served with its jus and white wine reduction
Springtime is always the lamb roast time for me!
Cook with the season's best and you will be amazed by what it has to offer!
2.1 kg leg of lamb, shank on
4-5 rosemary sprigs
1 whole garlic bulb
extra virgin olive oil
about 500-600 ml dry white wine
sea salt
Remove the lamb from fridge 1 hour prior to handling.
1. Strip the leaves off the rosemary sprigs and finely chop them.
2. Put 3-4 tbsp olive oil in a bowl with the chopped rosemary and a pinch of sea salt; mix to combine.
3. Rub this herb mixture all over the lamb and leave it to marinate for 1.5 hour in room temperature.
To prepare the garlic, break the bulb into individual cloves. Remove the skins and slice each clove into 2 or 3 parts.
Preheat the oven to 220C
4. With the point of a sharp knife, make incisions about 1.5 cm deep all over the lamb. Stuff all incisions with sliced garlic.
5. Place the lamb in a roasting dish. Roast for 30 minutes at this temperature.
6. Reduce the temperature to 170C and pour over 350 ml of white wine. Cover very loosely with a foil. Roast for 40 minutes.
7. Remove the lamb from the oven, turn over the leg and pour over another 150-200 ml white wine. Cover very loosely with a foil and continue to roast for 1 hour.
8. Increase the temperature to 190C. Remove lamb from the oven and turn the lamb over. Baste a couple of times and roast uncovered for another 25-30 minutes.
9. Transfer the lamb to a warm dish and rest for 40 minutes, cover tightly with a foil.
10. Spoon off the excess fat from the roasting dish. Pour the juices in a small saucepan and place it over high heat. Reduce for 4-5 minutes, or until it is slightly thickened.
11. Slice the lamb and serve with the sauce.