2 束朝鮮薊*, 約1.2公斤
1 公升橄欖油 (橄欖油無須為特級品, 請選較淡味, 不致於壓過朝鮮薊獨特淡雅的味道)
3 瓣大蒜, 壓碎
1 顆有機黃檸檬皮
1½ 茶匙 海鹽
* 朝鮮薊大致有3種類; 我這較常見的為中小體型的Violet de Provence, 青綠帶點紫色; 此品種也較嫩
1. 將所有食材, 朝鮮薊除外放入一厚底醬鍋 (* 我使用了GreenPan, Dubai White的陶瓷醬鍋; 此鍋吸熱、導熱非常的有效率; 之所以需要一厚底醬鍋是為了利用熄火後鍋子的餘熱繼續低溫油封朝鮮薊。若使用的鍋徑較寬, 會需要較多的油來完全覆蓋所有食材。)
2. 開始準備朝鮮薊 / 新鮮朝鮮薊的處理圖片請按此 '清燉全雞佐朝鮮薊'
* 其中塗抹檸檬汁和泡檸檬水步驟可省略; 因處理完、切半的朝鮮薊將直接泡入香料油中, 藉由香料油的覆蓋阻絕氧化變色。建議若為第一次處理新鮮朝鮮薊的朋友, 可能不熟悉, 會花較多的時間, 可於一淺盤中裝些油, 切面先塗上油避免過度氧化再繼續處理 。這次不宜塗抹檸檬汁和泡檸檬水是為避免水分滲入油中。
開始撥外皮, 直到見內部的嫩處
梗部只留約3公分, 用一削刀除去纖維老硬處
朝鮮薊切半, 內部若有絨毛, 可以一小湯匙挖除
切半的朝鮮薊將直接泡入香料油中, 阻絕氧化變色
3. 開始以低溫慢慢加熱, 並將一烤紙戳2-3小洞覆蓋 (不使用鍋蓋是為避免水蒸氣倒流入油中)
* 此道油封朝鮮薊的最佳溫度為85C
4. 以極小火煮至 simmer, 繼續慢煮約 25分鐘或至朝鮮薊軟嫩
* simmer小滾: 可以看到鍋底小泡持續上升, 像香檳般
* 油封時間會因朝鮮薊種類及大小而異
* 若想使用烤箱來完成油封, 先煮至 simmer後再放入預熱的烤箱約45分鐘或至朝鮮薊軟嫩
5. 熄火後, 將朝鮮薊於香料油中泡一晚(室溫下); 朝鮮薊的味道會更濃郁
6. 油封朝鮮薊可以常溫直接享用, 或於油中取出, 微波30秒風味更佳; 香料油可淋上剛煮好的自製 pasta 加現刨絲的帕馬森Reggiano乾酪拌一拌, 極品!!
English Version:
Artichokes confits
2 bouquets of artichokes*, about 1.2 kg
1 litre olive oil, mild flavour (enough oil to cover the artichokes)
3 garlic cloves, crushed
1 organic lemon peels
1½ teaspoons sea salt
a few rosemary sprigs
*There are a few different artichokes varieties, one of the common varieties here is the medium-small sized Violet de Provence. They are a bit more tender than the other ones.
1. Place all ingredients, except artichokes into a heavy-based saucepan.
*Choose a heavy-based (e.g. cast-iron) saucepan as it keeps heat better and will need that modest residual heat to complete the cooking process. I used GreenPan (Dubai White series) heavy-based ceramic saucepan.
2. Start preparing artichokes / (this has to be done fairly quick to prevent too much oxidation):
Remove the top third of each artichokes.
Discard the tough outer leaves.
Chop off and discard all but 3 cm of the stem and peel the stem with a peeler.
Cut each artichokes in half, scrape out the furry choke, if any.
Place it directly into the saucepan of infused oil to avoid discolouring.
3. Place the saucepan over very low heat* and cover with a piece of cooking paper that has been pierced.
* The ideal temperature for this confit is around 85C. You may also do this in an oven.
4. Bring it to a low simmer and continue cooking slowly for 25 minutes, or until the artichokes are soft. (The cooking time might vary pending on the size and varieties of your artichokes.)
* If you would like to do the cooking in the oven, bring the infused oil and artichokes to a low simmer before placing the saucepan into a preheated oven for 45 minutes, or until the artichokes are soft.
5. Allow the artichokes to sit in the infused oil overnight to maximise its flavour.
6. Serve the artichokes confits in room temperature or preferably, very lightly warmed.
* The infused oil is great with some homemade pasta; just simply mix through some tagliatelle and freshly grated Parmesan!