厚培根(poitrine de porc)、cream fraiche暫譯法式酸奶、帕馬森起士、奶油、料理用白酒、有機雞蛋, 我家冰箱裡要是沒有這些食材, 我們會沒有安全感...
也因為我家常備有這些食材, 我才可以在隨時在最短的時間內將晚餐端上桌。
1顆 有機雞蛋
1顆 有機雞蛋黃
40-50公克 帕馬森起士, 刨碎
100公克 厚培根, 切成條狀
1瓣 大蒜, 壓碎
1顆 小洋蔥, 切碎
250公克 spaghetti
1. 使用一大鍋沸騰的鹽水將spaghetti煮至 al dente (彈牙)
2. 將全蛋、蛋黃和帕馬森起士在一大碗中混和並以少許黑胡椒調味
3. 使用中火將厚培根條煎自微脆, 倒出鍋中多餘的培根油, 留下約1小匙來炒香洋蔥和大蒜, 待洋蔥呈透明狀
4. 轉大火, 倒入少許烹調用白酒, 烹煮數分鐘
5. 加入青花椰菜和1大匙cream fraiche法式酸奶 (或較濃郁的鮮奶油), 將醬汁煮沸
6. 加入波菜苗和spaghetti, 迅速攪拌均勻
7. 熄火。倒入步驟2帕馬森起士醬迅速攪拌均勻, 趁熱享用
(註: 上面已註明此奶油培根麵是我們偏好的做法, 我老公喜愛cream fraiche; 將蔬菜直接加入此醬不但方便且也攝取到纖維。若想做真義式版本的Carbonara, 請省略cream fraiche法式酸奶或鮮奶油, 而且儘可能使用 pancetta; pancetta 是用鹽醃製的義式培根, 但因地區不同, 所使用的醃製香料也會不同, 基本上pancetta和所謂的培根皆取自相同部位的豬肉, 只是pancetta是捲起來醃製的。)
English Version
Spaghetti Carbonara is one of my easy dinner solutions...mainly because there are some basic (must have) items in my fridge:
- lardon / poitrine de porc
- cream fraiche
- Parmesan
- butter
- cooking white wine
- eggs
Thanks to these items, I can always throw something together at the last minute!
To make this dish, you will need:
(This is our preferred 'Carbonara' as the real Italian Carbonara does not consist cream nor mixed greens.)
1 organic egg
1 organic egg yolks
40-50g Parmesan, grated
100g of lardon, cut into strips
1 garlic clove, crushed
1 small sized onion, finely chopped
some cooking white wine
some mixed greens (I used baby spinach and broccoli)
plus 250g of spaghetti (for 2 person)
1. Cook the pasta in a large saucepan of boiling salted water until al dente.
While the pasta is cooking:
2. Mix the egg, egg yolks and Parmesan together in a bowl and season with some black pepper.
3. Saute the lardon for a few minutes; drain off any excess fat and reserve just enough fat for frying the onion and garlic. Cook until the onion becomes transparent.
4. Increase the heat to high and add a splash of white wine into the frying pan. Cook for a few minutes.
5. Add the broccoli florets and a generous tablespoon of cream fraiche (or thickened cream) and bring it to the boil.
6. Add baby spinach and cooked pasta and stir to combine.
7. Remove from the heat and stir into the egg & Parmesan mixture. Toss well and serve immediately.