家中冷凍庫要是隨時備有加味奶油會很方便, 因為加味奶油幾乎可以和各式各樣的魚、肉、蔬菜類甚至義大利麵搭配提味。之前在澳洲時, 我常做大蒜與鯷魚奶油搭配牛排來吃。我在這裡的一位朋友, 前一陣子做了一批大蒜與香芹奶油, 她把那些加味奶油全部送給我。因為有了這些大蒜與香芹奶油可以讓我在短時間內做出一道簡單卻風味十足的晚餐。
自己製作加味奶油其實很簡單。只要將你偏好的香草和調味加進於室溫放軟的奶油混合, 然後將此奶油放於一張烘培烤紙和保鮮膜上並捲成一長條狀或將此奶油放入製冰盒中然後冷藏或冷凍成型即可。
(我個人比較偏好將加味奶油放入製冰盒中冷凍, 因為這樣當你需要時便可以隨時取出一小顆使用。)
(註: 若是將加味奶油放置冰箱保存, 須盡可能在一星期內用完; 若是像我將加味奶油放置冷凍庫保存, 只需在約一小時前取出放於室溫、一碗中解凍即可。)
2片各約150公克的鱈魚片, 去皮, 輕輕的裹上一層調味過的麵粉* (調味過的麵粉是指麵粉加上鹽和胡椒攪拌均勻)
將一煎鍋加至極熱, 魚片兩面分別刷上一層油, 然後放入鍋中每面各煎一分鐘(視魚片厚度稍做調整)。將魚片取出放於一烤盤上, 並在每一魚片上放上一份大蒜與香芹奶油, 然後放入預熱的烤箱烤五分鐘即完成。
將水瀝乾然後將馬鈴薯塊繼續於一煎鍋中用少許的橄欖油煎至金黃即可 (若是搭配肉類主食, 可用鴨由來煎馬鈴薯塊)
先將250公克的無鹽奶油於室溫中放軟, 然後便可和以下不同香料混合並加少許鹽調味製作出你喜歡的加味奶油
1. 切極碎的大蒜(10瓣)和義式扁葉香芹 Italian flat leaf parsley (約3匙) - 此加味奶油可搭配任何魚、肉、蔬菜類甚至義大利麵
2. 切極碎的大蒜(約8瓣), 碎迷迭香(2匙), 刨碎黃檸檬皮(1匙)和碎薄荷(1匙) - 此加味奶油適合搭配羊排
3. 切極碎的大蒜(約8瓣), 碎百里香(1匙), 碎迷迭香(1匙), 碎馬鬱草 marjoram (1匙) - 此加味奶油適合搭配烤雞
4. 切碎的蒔蘿(2-3匙), 刨碎黃檸檬皮(1匙)和檸檬汁(1匙) - 此加味奶油適合搭配鮭魚或魚類
5. 切極碎的大蒜(10瓣), 義式扁葉香芹 Italian flat leaf parsley (2匙)和鯷魚(5條) - 此加味奶油適合搭配牛排或牛肉
6. 切碎的黑橄欖(1匙)和碎乾燥蕃茄(1匙) - 此加味奶油適合搭配羊肉 (fillet 部位),雞胸肉和義大利麵
English Version:
Pan-fried cod fillet with garlic & parsley butter
Having flavoured butter in the freezer is so handy. It goes well with almost any form of meat, fish, vegetables and even pasta. I used to make my own garlic and anchovy butter to eat with steak. My friend here, made a big batch of garlic and parsley butter the other day and gave them all to me! Thanks to her, I can throw a simple and flavorsome dinner in no time!
To make your own flavoured butter is simple. Just add your preferred herbs and flavour to the softened butter and process everything together in a food processor. You can either wrap this mixture in a sheet of baking paper and plastic wrap to form a log or fill it into one of those ice cube containers and freeze it. (I personally prefer to keep small quantities of different flavoured butter in the freezer and just simply pop a few cubes out when needed.)
For the pan-fried cod fillets:
(Preheat the oven to 200C)
2 x 150g pieces of cod fillets, skin removed and lightly dusted with some seasoned flour
Heat a frying pan to hot, brush the fillets with some oil and cook for 1 minute on each side (depending on the thickness). And then transfer the fillets to an ovenproof plate. Top with a cube of garlic & parsley butter on each fillet and into the preheated oven for 5 minutes.
Serve with some pan-fried potatoes and steamed greens seasoned with the flavoured butter.
Here are a few ideas for making your own flavoured butter:
First, have 250g unsalted butter softened and then you can mix in one of the following combinations and season to your taste.
1. Chopped garlic (10 garlic cloves) and flat leaf parsley (3 tbs) - perfect with almost everything.
2. Chopped garlic (8 garlic cloves), rosemary (2 tbs), lemon zest (1 tb) and mint (1tb) - perfect with lamb cutlets.
3. Chopped garlic (8 garlic cloves), thyme (1 tb), rosemary (1 tb) and marjoram (1 tb)- perfect with roast chicken.
4. Chopped dill (2-3 tbs), lemon zest (1 tb) and lemon juice (1 tb) - perfect with salmon or fish.
5. Chopped garlic (10 garlic cloves), flat leaf parsley (2 tbs) and anchovies (5 fillets) - perfect with steak.
6. Chopped black olive (1 tb) and sun-dried tomatoes (1 tbs) - perfect with lamb fillets, chicken breast and pasta.