120 公克 雞胸, 切小塊
2 瓣大蒜, 去皮、壓碎
1 條小辣椒, 切對半
30 ml 日式料理用清酒
50 ml 醬油
3 大匙 日式麵包粉
1 大匙 太白粉
將所有材料於一大碗中混和均勻, 放入冰箱醃漬最少3小時。
將雞肉於冰箱內約30分鐘前取出, 並開始熱油。
將麵包粉和太白粉於一塑膠袋混和均勻, 加入雞肉塊、將塑膠袋封住、甩一甩, 讓雞肉塊均勻裹粉。(裹粉請於下鍋前1-2分鐘完成即可, 若太早裹粉, 粉衣會變的濕黏, 成品會較不酥脆。)
淺油炸雞肉塊5分鐘(視肉塊大小), 將雞肉塊先取出; 轉大火將油溫提高, 雞肉塊再次放入油炸約2-3分鐘至金黃, 取出瀝油即可。趁熱享用
我調了一杯以Hendrick牌 琴酒 (1.5 大匙) + 香橙酒Cointreau (1.5 大匙) + 半顆粉紅葡萄柚汁 + 100 ml 氣泡礦泉水 的調酒...星期天的下午... 真是一大享受。
English Version:
Tapas - crispy chicken bites
120g chicken breast, cut into small pieces
2 garlic cloves, peeled and crushed
1 small red chilli, halved
30 ml Japanese cooking sake
50 ml soy sauce
freshly ground black pepper
3 tablespoons Japanese dried breadcrumbs
1 tablespoon potato starch
oil for deep frying
Place all ingredients in a bowl and leave it to marinate for at least 3 hours in the fridge.
Remove the chicken from the fridge 30 minutes prior to cooking. Heat oil in a heavy frying pan until hot.
In a plastic bag, mix well the breadcrumbs and potato starch. *Add the chicken and shake to coat the chicken pieces evenly.
(* The coating should be done at the last minute so it does not become soggy.)
Shallow-fry the chicken pieces in batches for 5 minutes (depending on the size of your chicken pieces). Transfer the chicken to a plate, and turn the heat up to high. Return the chicken pieces to the hot oil and fry for another 2-3 minutes until golden. Remove and drain on paper towels. Serve hot.
To drink with:
My pinky cocktail - Hendrick's Gin (1.5 tbs) + Cointreau (1.5 tbs) + juice from half of pink grapefruit + 100 ml of sparkling water...Nibbles on a sunny Sunday afternoon...Life is good!
(Shall share my other crispy Parmesan chicken bites next time)