

這是一道非常簡單卻風味十足的咖哩。荔枝的甜與鴨肉的濃...兩者相互平衡, 滿足了味蕾。

若是可能的話, 請嘗試自己製做泰式紅咖哩醬...你將會發現香氣上大大的差異。居住在澳洲時, 能很有幸從自家院子取得新鮮的香茅和 Kaffir lime leaf (泰式萊姆葉)...喜歡泰式萊姆葉搓揉後的香氣。這次我並沒能自製泰式紅咖哩醬, 因無法方便的於同一家店取得所有的新鮮香草, 加上我的10公斤重石砵不在我身邊...(以下分享過去自製泰式紅咖哩糊的食譜)

2 條紅辣椒, 切對半 (嗜辣者請自行調整)
2 茶匙  芫荽粒
1 小把 芫荽 (帶根, 根部洗淨)
4-5 瓣大蒜, 去皮
4 顆紅蔥頭, 略切
2 根香茅(只取白色部份), 切片
1 塊南薑 (約3-5 公分), 切片
(切南薑和香茅時請小心, 因兩種食材偏硬)
數片Kaffir lime leaf (泰式萊姆葉)

將所有材料, (泰式萊姆葉除外) 放入一石砵, 慢慢敲磨(釋放香味)、灑鹽、緩緩注入油直到食材成糊(paste)即可。也可以用食物調理機來製做。



600-650 公克鴨翅 (也可使用鴨腿), 將多餘的鴨皮切除 (* 這裡只用了鴨翅上節肉較多的部位, 此部位在法國也可拿來油封)
250 ml 椰漿 (我這次使用含椰脂量較高的椰漿)  
300 ml 雞湯
2 大匙 紅咖哩糊
100公克 小紅蕃茄, 切對半
10-15 顆荔枝, 去皮、去籽
1條 中型櫛瓜, 切塊

(因鴨肉一受熱又會出油, 加上咖哩糊中也含油, 我便不再鍋中添加油了)
1.  將琺瑯鑄鐵鍋用中火加熱, 將鴨翅煎至略金黃


2.  加入紅咖哩糊, 炒香數分鐘



3.  加入雞湯、煮沸


4.  加入小紅蕃茄、加蓋, 以中小火煮30分鐘


5.  加入椰漿、荔枝並加蓋繼續慢煮約10分鐘




6.  加入櫛瓜煮約10分鐘至軟即可
(若有新鮮的泰式萊姆葉, 請在最後5分鐘撕碎丟入醬汁; 萊姆葉的香味在搓揉、撕碎後最為濃郁)



7.  趁熱享用 (圖中看到的是與Camargue 米 (暫譯卡麥咯) 一同享用)


English Version:

Thai red curry of duck and lychee

This is a simple yet flavorsome curry.  The sweetness of lychees well balanced the richness of duck.  Try making your own red curry paste if the required aromatic herbs are easily available to you.  You will notice the great difference.

I used to have a small kaffir lime tree and lemon grass bush in the garden back in Australia.  I really love the smell when crushing fresh kaffir lime leaf and lemon grass.  Unfortunately, I am using the bought red curry paste here as some of those herbs are not that fresh and easily available at all time.

*To make your own red curry  paste:
2 long red chillies, halved (you may use Thai red chillies if you like it real hot!)
2 teaspoons coriander seeds
1 small bunch of coriander root
4-5 garlic cloves, peeled
4 French shallots, roughly chopped
2 lemon grass stalks (white part only), sliced
1 knob of galangal (3-5 cm), sliced
(be careful when slicing the galangal as it is pretty hard to cut through)
a few kaffir lime leaf
some sunflower oil
Pound all ingredients, except the kaffir lime leaf in a pestle & mortar and drizzle in the oil to incorporate with your curry paste.  Or you may do this in a food processor.

To make the duck & lychee curry:
600-650g manchons de canard (duck wings), remove as much fat as possible
(you may also use duck thigh for this curry)
250 ml coconut cream (or 400 ml of coconut milk)
300 ml chicken stock
2 tablespoons red curry paste
100g plum or cherry tomatoes, halved
10-15 lychees, peeled and seed removed
1 medium sized courgette, cut into small pieces

(I did not add any additional oil as some duck fat will be rendered when heated.)
1.  Lightly brown the duck in a heavy-based saucepan.  
2.  Add the red curry paste and fry it for a few minutes to release the aroma.
3.  Add the stock and bring it to the boil.
4.  Add the tomatoes, cover and let it simmer for 30 minutes.
5.  Add the lychees, coconut cream and continue to cook covered, over a low heat for 10 minutes.
6.  Add the courgette and put the lid back on.  Let it cook for 10 minutes until the courgette is tender.
(If using fresh kaffir lime leaf:  *Crush the kaffir lime leaf to release the aroma; only add the leaf into your curry during the last 5 minutes of cooking.)
7.  Serve immediately with some steamed rice (we had steamed Camargue rice to eat with).

    創作者 janny 的頭像

    普羅旺斯的天空下 Living in Provence

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