

上週末買了一條重約4公斤的全鮭魚。正當我在片魚、清理的同時, 突然跑出了一想法...這條魚如此新鮮, 為何不取最好的部位來做一韃靼生鮭魚?!  於是便刻意保留一小部份的魚肚來賦予這韃靼生鮭魚一個比較圓潤豐厚的口感。

因為要做此韃靼生鮭魚是臨時想到的, 所以快速的查看一下冰箱能夠運用的材料有哪些; 冰箱內有些利穆贊的蘋果pomme du Limousin*、用鹽水煮過的大蝦、有機蔥...於是想利用這利穆贊蘋果巧妙的酸甜和清脆來搭配此韃靼生鮭魚的idea便產生了。

結果 = 一個大成功!  鮮、脆、清爽並且非常令人愉悅!

* Pomme du Limousin 利穆贊蘋果是法國唯一有受到AOP保護的一種蘋果。所以從它的種植方式、種植區域、範圍、密度、成品的size 、採收和到包裝都有著嚴格的規定, 以確保每一顆新鮮的利穆贊蘋果達到AOP的標準。此蘋果的酸甜度恰當, 種類產於golden delicious種, 但它的蘋果肉卻不帶粉粉的口感, 我個人比較傾好利穆贊的蘋果而非Granny Smith來入菜另外一個理由就是基於 'terrior ' 的觀念。



** 需要非常新鮮的鮭魚:
120公克 鮭魚片 (生魚片的等級), 去皮和去魚刺
10公克 鮭魚肚, 去皮

120公克 鹽水煮的大蝦, 清理過: 去殼去腸泥
1片薑 (約0.5公分的厚度), 去皮
1條有機蔥 (也可以使用細香蔥 chives)
半顆利穆贊蘋果 (也可使用較脆的golden delicious或pink lady蘋果來取代)
15-20ml 有機特級橄欖油
少許鹽之花 (請自行視情況調味)


1. 鮭魚片、魚肚和清理過的大蝦切極小塊



2. 用小型食物調理機將蔥和薑打碎

3. 將蘋果切薄片然後再切極小塊 

4. 將檸檬汁拌於切過的蘋果上避免蘋果變色


5. 將所有食材於一大碗中混合均勻並調味






English Version:

Salmon tartare with Limousin's apple (Pomme du Limousin)

I bought an entire salmon last weekend and just when I was trimming and sorting this 4 kg of salmon...I thought why not using a small portion to make a salmon tartare since it is so fresh?!  So I reserved a small part from the belly to give the tartare a rich texture as well as some skinless fillet.

As the salmon tartare idea was random, so I had a quick run-through of my fridge and the possibility.  There are a few fresh pomme du Limousin*, cooked prawns, organic spring onions....So the idea of marrying the well-balanced sweetness and clean crisp texture from this apple with raw salmon was born.

Result?! - It was a success!  Fresh, crisp, light and very enjoyable!

*(Pomme du Limousin is the the only apple in France that received an AOP.  There are of course lots regulations on the growing methods, growing zone and density, minimum size, harvesting and packing to ensure the apples qualify an AOP.  I love its clean crisp and juicy taste.  The acidity of this apple is very well balanced.  This apple is produced from the ' golden delicious' variety but the flesh is non-floury.  Personally I prefer using fresh Pomme du Limousin than Granny Smith and another reason is due to the terrior concept.)
For this salmon tartare, you will need:

VERY fresh salmon:
120g salmon fillet (sashimi grade), skinless and deboned
10g salmon belly, skinless (ask your fishmonger for this if you don't have the chance of buying an entire salmon)

120g cooked fresh prawns, cleaned
1 slice ginger (about 0.5 cm), peeled
1 organic spring onion (you may also use chives)
half of a Limousin apple (or try getting a nice and firm golden delicious or pink lady)
juice from half of a lemon
15-20 ml organic extra virgin olive oil
fleur de sel to season (optional)

(Remove salmon from the fridge 15-20 minutes prior to handling.)
1.  Finely chopped both parts of salmon and cleaned prawns.
2.  Use a small food chopper to mince the spring onion and ginger.
3.  Thinly slice the apple and then cut into small pieces.
4.  Squeeze the lemon juice over the apple to prevent it from colouring.
5.  Mix all ingredients together in a large bowl and taste to season.
Serve this tartare on its own or with slices of crispy bread.

    創作者 janny 的頭像

    普羅旺斯的天空下 Living in Provence

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