

此蕃茄冷麵是我最喜歡的夏日晚餐之ㄧ。 做法非常簡單, 特別是在炎炎夏日的晚上, 清爽又開胃。使用帶藤全熟紅蕃茄是此蕃茄冷麵的成功關鍵。我通常會將帶藤紅番茄放置靠窗口邊約4-5天, 視居住地區和氣後而異, 添加它的熟程度。


500 公克 帶藤全熟紅蕃茄*
2大匙 紅酒醋
1大匙 巴薩米可醋
70 ml 有機特級橄欖油
1瓣大蒜, 去皮、壓碎
200公克 capellini 義式天使髮麵
* (使用帶藤全熟紅蕃茄並於室溫放置是此蕃茄冷麵的成功關鍵。我這次使用 'cocktail tomatoes' 品種, 因為此品種在種植時需要點技巧與經驗以確保整串由上至下均勻成熟, 也因如此, 我覺得此品種更甜美多汁; 'cherry 或 grape tomatoes' 也是不錯的選擇。 若是使用較大顆的全熟紅蕃茄, 請先切4瓣、去籽再切丁後, 照下面的步驟2醃製。)

250公克 雞胸肉, 切片
適量的鹽之花 (於烤過的雞肉調味)


1.  將雞胸肉於黃檸檬汁與橄欖油中醃1小時
2.  將蕃茄對切並與有機特級橄欖油、2種醋、大蒜、1小撮鹽之花於一大碗中, 放於室溫醃至少1小時



3.  雞胸肉於冰箱內20分鐘前取出; 將鑄鐵烤盤加熱
4.  雞胸肉分批燒烤, 放於一盤備用



5.  使用一大鍋沸騰的鹽水將capellini 煮至 al dente (彈牙)
6.  將capellini沖冷開水並充份瀝乾
7.  將冷麵和有機羅勒葉加入醃蕃茄中, 混和均勻


8.  義式蕃茄冷麵均分於兩盤中, 搭配數片溫燒烤雞胸即可


此醃蕃茄, 藉著鹽之花與醋將蕃茄汁引出, 引出的汁液又和醋與特級橄欖油行成絕佳的油醋型沙拉醬...再一次強調, 未全熟或儲存於冰箱的蕃茄是無法製做出同等級滋味的。

English Version:

This is one of my favorite summer dinner.  It is incredibly simple and refreshing on a hot summer night.  The key is to use vine-ripened tomatoes.  I usually leave the tomatoes near the window for 4-5 days to fully ripen before using.  

Pasta salad with grilled chicken

500g vine-ripened tomatoes*
2 tablespoons red wine vinegar
1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar
70 ml organic extra virgin olive oil
1 garlic clove, peeled and crushed
pinch of fleur de sel
a handful of organic basil leaves
200g capellini
* ( Using vine-ripened tomatoes, in room temperature is the key to success for this salad.  I used 'cocktail tomatoes' for this salad, as they are well matured, juicy and sweet.  Cherry or grape tomatoes are also good varieties for this salad.   Please halve, remove seeds and dice the tomatoes if using larger tomatoes.  And follow step 2 below to marinate them.)

250g chicken breast, sliced
juice from half of a lemon
some extra virgin olive oil
fleur de sel to season

1.  Marinate the chicken in lemon juice and olive oil for 1 hour.
2.  Halve the tomatoes and marinate them with organic extra virgin olive oil,  both vinegars, crushed garlic and a pinch of fleur de sel in a salad bowl for at least 1 hour, in room temperature.
3.  Remove the chicken from the fridge 20 minutes prior to cooking.  Heat a cast-iron grill pan over medium high heat.
4.  When the pan is hot, grill the chicken in batches.  Transfer the cooked chicken to a plate and set aside until ready to use.
5.  Cook the pasta in a saucepan of boiling salted water until al dente.
6.  Refresh the pasta under cold water and drain thoroughly.
7.  Add the pasta and basil leaves to the tomato marinates and mix well.
8.  Divid pasta salad into 2 serving plates, and serve with some grilled chicken breast.

This tomato marinates work well with any sort of salad.  The salt and vinegar help to draw out the sweet tomato juice and form a well balanced vinaigrette dressing.


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