我趁著短短的蒜苗 (leek)季結束前, 從離家不遠的有機農場那將早春的蒜苗 (leek)刻意多買些, 回家後, 徹底清洗、瀝乾、切細絲, 分別裝入保鮮盒冷藏。雖然還是可以買到進口或溫室栽培的各式蔬果, 但我儘可能的選用當季蔬果; 我愛當季蔬果所散發出的果香、蔬菜應有的甜...因為我深深相信當季的蔬果, 不需要多餘的處理便可將它們的鮮、甜、美完整的展現出來。
約400公克的新鮮大扇貝, 清理並用廚用紙巾擦乾
1 條有機蒜苗 (leek, 只使用白、淡黃綠色部為), 切絲
100 ml 料理用干白酒
1 大匙法式酸奶crème fraîche
適量的波菜葉, 可有可無 (現在法國的綠、白蘆筍正值產期, 也可以此取代)
1. 將蒜苗於 greenpan 不沾鍋加入無鹽奶油慢慢炒軟, 取出並放置一旁待用
2. greenpan 不沾鍋以大火加熱, 當鍋溫達極熱, 丟入奶油, 接著加入扇貝的corals - 橘色部份, 因此部位所需的烹煮時間較長
3. 若不想使用corals - 橘色部份, 請在奶油冒泡變焦黃時放入大扇貝
4. 每面煎2分鐘, 視扇貝厚度而異; 將炒過的蒜苗加入, 倒入白酒
5. 待白酒煮沸後轉中火
6. 調味並小滾 (simmer) 約3分鐘; 加入法式酸奶crème fraîche (和波菜葉), 攪拌
7. 醬汁煮約3分鐘即可熄火
8. 將扇貝與醬汁均分於兩淺盤中, 搭配Salmon Kedgeree中的薑黃香料飯一同享用
English Version:
Fresh scallops with a creamy leek sauce
Before the leek season ended, I bought some extras from the nearby organic farm. Cleaned, thinly sliced and stored them in individual containers in the freezer. Call me old fashioned, I prefer using fruit and veggies that are in season as they are at their best and only simple cooking is required.
about 400g of fresh scallops, cleaned and dry on paper towel
1 organic leek (the white and pale green only), cleaned and finely sliced
100 ml cooking white wine
1 dollop of crème fraîche
a knob of butter
a handful of spinach, optional (Both white and green asparagus are in season in France which make a great substitute)
1. Slowly fry the leeks with some butter for a few minutes until soft. Transfer to a plate and set aside.
2. Heat a frying pan over high heat. Add the butter when the pan is hot, and then the corals (if using) as they require slightly longer cooking time.
3. If you prefer not to keep the corals, add the scallops when the butter starts to form and turns brown.
4. Cook the scallops for 2 minutes on each side (depending on the thickness); return the leeks to the pan and pour in the white wine.
5. Bring the liquid to the boil and then reduce the heat to a medium.
6. Season and simmer for 3 minutes. Add the crème fraîche (and spinach, if using) and mix well.
7. Cook the sauce for 3 minutes and then turn off the heat.
8. Divid the scallops and cream sauce into 2 shallow bowls. Accompany with some turmeric spiced rice (see Salmon Kedgeree).
Time to play with my new ice cream maker...