

之前在蘋果白蘭地香煎蘋果&綜和莓果奶酥一文中有介紹到諾曼第的Apple cider*發酵蘋果汁(酒)。託朋友和她家人的福, 她從諾曼第帶回一瓶有機, Brut等級(干型)的cider給我; 現在有機會來分享我的發酵蘋果汁(酒)燉雞。



這道菜的精隨在於使用最鮮的全雞(放山雞、土雞), 讓雞的鮮與有機發酵蘋果汁微酸甜巧妙的對話吧!


200 ml 有機發酵蘋果汁(酒), 請盡可能選用 Brut, 干型
1隻 放養雞 (約1.3 公斤), 切大塊
150 ml 雞湯
1.5 顆 法式紅蔥頭, 略切
1條 有機蔥, 切段
1½ 茶匙 帶籽芥末
100公克 法式酸奶 crème fraîche

1.  將琺瑯鑄鐵鍋加熱, 加入極少量特級橄欖油並將雞塊分別煎至金黃, 取出放於一盤中


2. 在同一鍋中, 加入紅蔥頭和蔥段慢炒數分鐘


3. 轉大火, 倒入有機發酵蘋果汁(酒), deglaze (並將鍋內的肉汁、焦化固體刮一刮), 煮沸3-4分鐘讓酒精揮發


4. 加入雞塊, 倒入雞湯, 煮沸5分鐘


5. 轉中小火並加蓋慢燉20分鐘
6. 20分鐘後, 移開鍋蓋, 轉大火開始收汁, 收約至1/2即可


7. 可以在此步驟加進蔬菜, 加蓋蒸約3分鐘



8. 最後拌進法式酸奶與帶籽芥末即可
(可搭配鄉村麵包享用, 將醬汁吸光光!)


English Version:

Organic cider braised chicken

I recall mentioning Normandy's apple cider in my article on Calvados infused apples & mixed berries crumble.  I now have the opportunity to share my cider braised chicken recipe.  Try to get a decent free-range chicken.  This simple dish relies on the best produce to speak for itself.

Thanks to my friend and her grand parents, I have this Brut, Organic cider from Normandy.  Apple cider (traditionally) is fermented apple juice, and the alcohol content varies from 2%-8.5%.  The bottle I have is a Brut type which is just as good as drinking on its own.

200 ml organic cider (preferably dry)
1 free-range chicken (about 1.3 kg), jointed
150 ml chicken stock
1.5 French shallots, roughly chopped
1 organic spring onion, cut into 3 cm pieces
1½ teaspoons wholegrain mustard
100g crème fraîche

1.  Heat a heavy-based saucepan over a medium heat and brown the chicken pieces with some olive oil in batches.  Transfer the browned chicken pieces to a shallow dish.
2.  Add the shallots and spring onion to the saucepan and slowly fry for a few minutes.
3.  In crease the heat to high and pour in the cider; deglaze and let it boil for 3-4 minutes.
4.  Return the chicken to the saucepan, pour in the chicken stock.  Let it boil for 5 minutes.  
5.  Turn the heat down to a low medium.  Cover the saucepan with its lid and let it cook for 20 minutes.
6.  Remove the lid. Increase the heat to high and start reducing the sauce by 1/2.
7.  If you would like to serve with some steamed greens, add them in at this stage and put the lid back on for 3 minutes.
8.  Stir in the crème fraîche and mustard and serve immediately with a piece of country bread or steamed potatoes.  

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    普羅旺斯的天空下 Living in Provence

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