Pot-roasting (自譯 燜烤) 是一簡單又美味的烹調方式, 特別是當有優質的肉品時(這裡的優質強調肉品鮮度, 再者肉品產區及飼養方式)。因為Pot-roasting 燜烤將所有的精華鎖於鍋中, 經過數小時的烹調, 肉質軟嫩多汁。是個很能夠令人滿足的料理, 特別是在任一微涼的夜晚。
這次買的小牛肩 (* veau label rouge 此等級在法國是指小牛是在它媽媽的身邊喝母乳飼養的) 重約1.6 公斤, 但我只使用了一半。
烤箱預熱至 190C
先將小牛肩於冰箱取出, 放於室溫40分鐘 -1小時
約 800 克的小牛肩, 以廚繩緊綁成一條狀
4 瓣大蒜, 不去皮
1 顆洋蔥, 去皮、切4份 (quartered)
200 ml 料理用白酒
1 球crème fraîche 法式酸奶
1. 將數枝迷迭香沿線塞入, 以少許海鹽與胡椒調味
2. 將琺瑯鑄鐵鍋加熱
3. 待鍋熱後加入適量的橄欖油並用大火鎖住 (sear) 肉的每一面
(Sear: 是指用大火快速的將肉的表面藉焦化封鎖住內部的肉汁)
4. 加入白酒deglaze (焦化固體刮一刮), 並煮沸數分鐘
5. 加入大蒜與洋蔥並加蓋
6. 將琺瑯鑄鐵鍋移至烤箱燜烤1.5-2小時至肉質軟嫩
7. 將琺瑯鑄鐵鍋取出, 輕輕的將小牛肩移至一溫盤(此時小牛肩應極微軟嫩, 以刀觸碰即能輕易分離)
8. 使用一木匙將鍋底焦化固體刮一刮, 將此汁液倒於一小鍋中
(* 若希望成品汁較華麗, 可將大蒜與洋蔥打成泥然後過濾於一小鍋中)
9. 將小鍋以大火收汁, 收約至一半加入1 球crème fraîche 法式酸奶、煮沸並於最後拌入菠菜葉
10. 將小牛肩裝盤並淋上小牛肉汁與有機菠菜和蒸馬鈴薯一起享用
English Version:
Pot-roasted veal shoulder served with its jus
Pot-roasting is a simple and great way to treat any beautiful roasting meat. All the essence is well kept during the cooking and you get this incredibly tender and juicy meat as a result. A very satisfying dish for any coolish evening.
The veal shoulder I bought weighted around 1.6 kg but only half of it was used in this recipe.
Preheat the oven to 190C
Remove the meat from the fridge 40 minutes - 1 hour prior to the cooking
About 800g of veal shoulder, wrapped firmly to make a neat roll
A few rosemary sprigs
4 garlic cloves, unpeeled
1 large onion, peeled and quartered
200 ml cooking white wine
splash of olive oil
1 dollop of crème fraîche
sea salt and pepper
Some organic spinach and steamed potatoes to serve with
1. Tuck rosemary sprigs along the veal shoulder, and season with some salt and pepper.
2. Heat a cast-iron saucepan (or casserole) over medium heat.
3. When the pan is hot, add a splash of olive oil and sear the veal shoulder on all sides.
4. Deglaze the pan with the white wine and boil the liquid for a few minutes.
5. Add the garlic and onion and cover the pan with its lid.
6. Transfer the pan to the oven and roast for 1.5 - 2 hours until tender.
7. Remove the pan from the oven. Lift meat gently on to a warm plate. (The meat should be incredibly tender at this stage)
8. Scrape up the sediment and pour the roasting jus into another saucepan.
(* If you want the final jus to be a bit posh, you may puree the onion and garlic and strain it.)
9. Reduce the liquid by half. Add the dollop of crème fraîche and fold in the spinach at the last minute (if serving with).
10. Serve the veal shoulder with the jus and some steamed potatoes.