之前在覆盆子 Friand 小蛋糕一文有介紹過friand小蛋糕, 這是繼覆盆子口味後, 我們第二喜歡的組合。製做此小蛋糕也是利用剩餘蛋白的好方法。
150克 杏仁粉*(ground almonds or almond meal)
250克 糖粉 (icing sugar; 我使用糖粉因為一來可以使此小蛋糕內部較為濕潤, 二來可以使此小蛋糕質地細緻)
90克 有機中筋麵粉
10顆 有機雞蛋白
170克 融化的無鹽奶油 (或淨化奶油 clarified butter)
120克 野生藍莓
1顆黃檸檬的皮, 磨碎
*杏仁粉 - ground almonds or almond meal 指的是去皮杏仁或帶皮杏仁打成粉狀 (台灣一般所喝的杏仁奶的杏仁是將杏桃 apricot 子的內部 (成白色) 磨成粉), 蛋糕甜點中一般會使用的是ground almonds or almond meal。
烤箱預熱至 180C
1. 先將膜具塗上薄薄一層的奶油 (也可在塗上奶油後, 輕輕的灑上一層麵粉)
2. 將杏仁粉、糖粉和麵粉混合均勻
3. 倒入蛋白, 混合均勻
4. 拌入檸檬皮
5. 倒入融化的無鹽奶油, 混合均勻
6. 將蛋糕糊倒進Friand膜, 並在每一個膜中放上些許野生藍莓
7. 烤25分鐘, 至成淡金黃即可
8. 出烤箱後, 待5分鐘後再將 Friand 小蛋糕重膜中取出, 於烤架上放涼
廚房小常識: 剩餘蛋白可冷凍儲藏至1個月左右; 於使用前一晚移至冰箱內解凍即可
English Version:
Wild blueberry and citrus friands
Friands making is a great way of using up your leftover egg whites. And this wild blueberry and citrus friands is our second favorite combination. Please refer to my 'Raspberry Friands' for more information on these little treats.
Makes 12
150g ground almonds
250g icing sugar
90g organic plain flour
10 organic egg whites
170g unsalted butter, melted (or clarified butter)
120g wild blueberries
zest from 1 lemon
Preheat the oven to 180C
1. Grease a non-stick friand tin.
2. Mix together the ground almonds, ici sugar, and flour.
3. Add the egg whites and mix well.
4. Stir in the lemon zest and mix well.
5. Add the melted butter and mix well.
6. Pour the batter into the tins and arrange some blueberries on top of each friand.
7. Bake for 25 minutes or until lightly golden.
8. Remove from the oven and leave in the tin for 5 minutes
9. Turn out onto a rack to cool.
A handy kitchen tip: Leftover egg whites can be kept in freezer for up to a month. Just transfer the egg whites to the fridge a night before using.