

過去這一個月, 有點小忙, 忙著請客與被請、忙增添與佈置小窩、忙著逛其它普羅望斯小鎮...所以一直沒發新文。

首先先來看看我們去逛Provence Prestige 2011的照片。
這是我第一次逛Provence Prestige, 此展覽集合了各式各樣的普羅望斯商、產品, 從橄欖油、香料、南法葡萄酒、普羅望斯香草及沿生產品、tapenade橄欖鯷魚抹醬、l'eau-de-vie (由水果或穀物或香草甚至葡萄酒蒸餾而成的酒, 40-55%酒精濃度)、傳統手工生火腿、各式手工甜品、果醬...還有當地畫家、藝術家、普羅望斯陶瓷器、布料等等一長串的商、產品。

此展覽每年一次, 約為11月底於Arles 阿爾勒; 有興趣的可以去Provence Prestige的網站看詳情。逛完此展後可以到阿爾勒市中心逛逛, 有梵谷的畫廊、競技場、聖誕市集(於各城市市中心, 11月底左右起)等等。

普羅望斯陶瓷器 Provençal style pottery and table arts


品嘗不同產區與品種的特級橄欖油 Oliver oil tasting


香料 Spices


普羅望斯香草果茶  Infusions / herb tea


軟薑糕餅 Pain d'epices (gingerbread)


傳統手工生火腿  Artisanal cured ham


果醬  Confiture


Fougasse 普羅望斯型麵包, 可鹹可甜  Fougasse - Provençal style of bread; can be sweet or savory


普羅望斯種杏仁 (較寬扁) 與手工牛扎糖  Provence almonds and nougats



帶回家的 / Things I bought:


中:  由野生小龍蝦(crayfish)熬製的濃湯、濃醬, 味道非常濃醇, 適合搭配白魚類或家禽 (此產家還給了我們聯絡方式, 可以向他訂購小龍蝦和自釣的魚)
左上:  Fougasse 普羅望斯型麵包; 已被分食一半的為鹹味(含小塊鴨肉和豬油), 非常好吃; 另兩小塊為甜味, 分別為蔓越莓和杏桃
左上:  AOC特級橄欖油, 採於2011, 具濃濃果香
右上:  手工巧克力抹醬
中: Ras el Hanout 香料, 含24食材, 可用於 tajine (摩洛哥肉類料理)

Centre:  crayfish bisque and sauce made from wild crayfish, very intense crayfish flavour, great with fish or poultry;
Top left:  half eaten savory Fougasse made of small pieces of duck meat and lard, yummy!  The other two small fougasse are made of cranberries and apricots;
Top left :  AOC'd extra virgin olive oil from Haute Provence, 2011 collection, very fruity;
Top right:  artisanal chocolate spread;
Middle:  Ras el Hanout, mixed with 24 ingredients.

English Version:

Provence Prestige 2011

Over the month, we have been busy both receiving and visiting friends, redecorating our little apartment and driving around the Provence....So not much time to refresh my blog.  

Here comes the first refreshment!
It was my first time visiting The Provence Prestige and it is very interesting to see all sorts of Provençal produces and artists gathering in one event.  Almost all producers offer free tasting, ranging from olive oil, spice, wine, tapenade, l'eau-de-vie, artisanal cured ham, confectionary, confiture and the list goes on and on.  There are also local / Provençal style artists, pottery and fabrics.  

This event is hosted annually in November.  We had an invitation for 2 persons, otherwise the cost of entrance is about 6 euros each.  Please visit if you are interested.

Arles is also a very nice place to visit,  La Fondation Vincent Van Gogh d'Arles, arena, Christmas market (available in most city centres from late November) and etc.  

Please scoll back for photos from our visit to the Provence Prestige 2011 in Arles.


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