

此蛋糕的靈感來自一典型法國甜品, poire Belle-Hélène*, 是運用巧克力與西洋梨的組合。

*Poire Belle-Hélène (自譯:  美人海蓮梨) 是ㄧ由糖漿燉煮的西洋梨加上巧克力糖漿而成的甜品, 可以加上香草鮮奶油或冰淇淋一起享用。


200公克 有機中筋麵粉
50公克 純可可粉
135公克  無鹽奶油, 融化
250公克 細砂糖
1大顆 中熟西洋梨 (約300公克), 去皮, 切丁
1½茶匙 泡打粉
4顆  有機雞蛋 (室溫), 略打散
200公克 黑巧克力 (我使用 Lindt Dessert 70% 黑巧克磚, 此黑巧克磚為1包200克裝, 較厚; 適合拿來做黑巧克力岩漿chocolate fondant)
(若使用Lindt Excellence 70%, 因為它為1包100克裝, 較薄; 需要折成較大塊並且鋪2-3層。味道上來說, Lindt Dessert 70% 含純可可粉比例較高, 口感略苦澀, 適合加熱; Lindt Excellence 70%含較多純可可豆, 相對的油脂豐富, 質地較細滑, 較適合直接品嘗或運用在慕斯等質地細緻的甜品。)


先將膜具 (我使用的長條膜具尺寸為 6 x 24公分)塗上薄薄一層的奶油, 然後墊上烤紙

1.  於一大碗中, 均勻混合糖、可可粉、麵粉與泡打粉


2.  加入蛋汁和融化的奶油


3.  輕輕攪拌、混和


4.  將2/3的蛋糕糊舀進模具

5.  鋪上洋梨丁


6.  鋪上厚巧克塊


7.  將剩於1/3的蛋糕糊舀進並覆蓋, 烤40-45分鐘


(測試蛋糕是否已烤好; 測試方法為: 輕輕插入金屬籤或刀子, 取出來若無沾覆蛋糕糊即可, 若沾覆黑巧克力是正常的, 因巧克力遇熱融化。)


出爐後, 先別馬上脫膜, 讓蛋糕先在模具內冷卻20分鐘, 然後便可脫膜移至烤架。  


切片並與些許洋梨丁, 或香草冰淇淋一起享用。



English Version:

Poire Belle-Hélène cake

This cake is inspired by the classic French dessert poire Belle-Hélène*, a combination of dark chocolate and pear.  Make sure to use thick dark chocolate chunks for a gooey and self-saucing centre.

*Poire Belle-Hélène is made from poached pear drizzled with chocolate syrup and sometimes served with vanilla ice cream or vanilla infused cream.

200g organic plain flour
50g cocoa powder (100% pure cacao)
135g unsalted butter, melted
250g caster sugar
1 large ripened pear (about 300g), peeled and diced
1½ teaspoons of baking powder
4 organic eggs, lightly beaten
200g of dark chocolate (I used Lindt Dessert 70% block, it's a 200g block which is thicker and great for making chocolate fondant), break into chunks
(If you are using Lindt’s classic Excellence 70% which is a 100g pack block, make sure to double or even triple layer the chocolate for a better 'fondant' / melting result.)

Preheat the oven to 175C

Lightly grease a non-stick loaf tin (6 x 24 cm) and line with baking paper.

1.  In a large bowl, mix well flour, cocoa powder, sugar and baking powder.
2.  Add the eggs and butter.
3.  Stir gently to combine.
4.  Spoon 2/3 of batter into the loaf tin.
5.  Sprinkle the pear cubes over the batter.
6.  Layer chocolate chunks over the pears.
7.  Spoon in the remaining batter to cover and bake for 40-45 minutes.
(To check if the cake is done:  insert a metal skewer and if it comes out clean, the cake is done.)

Leave it to cool for 20 minutes in the tin and then turn it out onto a wire rack.  Serve in slices with some more diced pears or vanilla ice cream.


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