800 ml 椰奶
220 公克 特細砂糖
75 公克 蜂蜜
3 顆 萊姆汁(帶果肉), 數片萊姆皮(避免刨至內層白色部份, 會帶苦味)
1. 先將砂糖與160 ml 椰奶放入鍋中, 小火加熱攪拌至砂糖完全溶解
2. 再加入剩餘的椰奶、蜂蜜、萊姆汁(帶果肉)和萊姆皮煮滾, 並不時攪拌
3. 離火並於一旁放涼
4. 將萊姆皮取出; 倒入製冰淇淋機, 按使用說明將雪酪打至綿柔 (視各品牌、機種的使用方式而異)
5. 裝入冷凍盒冷凍即可
食用時, 可於椰奶與萊姆雪酪上淋上百香果汁與籽...夏日中的清爽熱帶滋味!
English Version:
Homemade coconut and lime sorbet
A friend of mine loves coconut milk so I made this sorbet for her.
800 ml coconut milk
220g fine caster sugar
75g honey
juice (and pulps) from 3 limes, plus a few strips of lime zest
1. Put the sugar and 160 ml of coconut milk in a saucepan and stir over low heat until the sugar has dissolved.
2. Add the rest of coconut milk, honey, lime juice (with pulps) and zest and bring to the boil.
3. Remove from the heat and set aside to cool.
4. Remove the lime zest and churn in an ice cream machine until creamy.
5. Scoop into freezer containers and freeze.
When ready to serve, scoop out the seeds and pulp from the passionfruit and spoon over a scoop of the sorbet!