趁老公出差不在的時候來過一下我的辣癮...此辣味雞肉醬若搭配 penne rigate 和新鮮羅勒也非常適和。
2 片 雞胸, 切小塊
3-4瓣 大蒜, 切碎
2-3條 小乾辣椒, 切碎
100 ml 乾白酒
1 罐義式蕃茄 400公克 (我偏愛小蕃茄品種)
1. 將炒鍋加熱, 加入少量橄欖油並將雞塊分別煎至金黃, 取出放於一盤中
2. 轉中火, 雞塊回鍋和大蒜及乾辣椒一同炒香, 約2-3分鐘 (請小心, 別炒焦大蒜和乾辣椒, 因會導至醬汁產生苦味)
3. 轉大火, 倒入乾白酒煮沸數分鐘讓酒精揮發
4. 加入義式蕃茄罐頭, 醬汁煮沸後加蓋 (半蓋住)
5. 轉小火繼續煮約40分鐘, 至醬汁縮為將近一半
6. 使用一大鍋沸騰的鹽水將spaghetti 煮至 al dente (彈牙)
7. 將彈牙的spaghetti和少許的煮麵水加進醬汁, 拌煮1-2分鐘讓麵條均勻裹覆著醬汁, 趁熱享用
English Version:
Spaghetti with spicy chicken sauce
Hubby is away for work so this is the time for my chilli recovery! This spicy chicken pasta sauce is also great with penne rigate and some fresh basil.
2 chicken breasts, cut into small bits
3-4 garlic cloves, finely chopped
2-3 dried chillies, finely chopped
100 ml of dry white wine
1 tin of Italian cherry tomatoes (400g)
1. In a frying pan, brown the chicken with some olive oil in batches.
2. Return the chicken to the frying pan; add the garlic and chillies and fry for 2-3 minutes without browning.
3. Increase the heat to high and pour in the wine. Let it boil for a few minutes.
4. Add the tomatoes and bring the sauce to the boil. Turn the heat down to low and semi-cover the frying pan.
5. Let it cook for 40 minutes, until it is nicely reduced.
6. Cook the pasta in a saucepan of boiling salted water until al dente.
7. Add the pasta (and a little bit of the pasta cooking water) to the frying pan and stir to coat the sauce. Serve immediately.