此蛋糕的製做非常容易, 有點像香蕉蛋糕...我依據個人口味的喜好做了些變化, 並添加了Calvados蘋果白蘭地提深香氣。
275公克 有機中筋麵粉
250公克 有機細砂糖 (我使用了有機細蔗糖)
120公克 無鹽奶油, 室溫放軟
2 茶匙 泡打粉
4顆 有機雞蛋 (室溫), 略打散
100公克 有機椰子絲
100公克 白巧克力 (我使用 Lindt 牌的新產品, 白巧克力加上馬達加斯加的香草), 折小塊
60公克 有機蔓越莓乾, 略切
3 大匙 (約45 ml) Calvados蘋果白蘭地
(* 請先將略切過的有機蔓越莓乾泡於Calvados蘋果白蘭地1小時。也可以使用蘭姆酒或濃縮蘋果汁若無法取得Calvados蘋果白蘭地。)
先將膜具 (我使用的長條膜具尺寸為 6 x 24公分)塗上薄薄一層的奶油, 然後墊上烤紙。
1. 將麵粉、泡打粉、糖和椰絲於一大碗中均勻混和
2. 用指間將放軟的奶油分散成小塊
3. 將雞蛋和奶油加入混和麵粉的大碗中; 輕輕的混和均勻 (過度的混和會將麵粉內的筋性帶出, 做出來的蛋糕便會乾硬)
4. 混入蔓越莓及剩餘的Calvados蘋果白蘭地
5. 混入白巧克力塊
6. 將麵糊倒進膜具烤1小時 - 1小時10分鐘
( 若蛋糕的表面焦黃的太快, 可以略蓋 (非包住) 上一張鋁箔紙; 測試蛋糕是否已烤好: 輕輕插入金屬籤或刀子, 取出來若無沾覆麵糊即可, 若沾覆巧克力是正常的, 因巧克力遇熱融化。 )
出爐後, 先別馬上脫膜, 讓蛋糕先在膜具內冷卻20分鐘, 然後便可脫膜移至烤架繼續放涼。
English Version:
Cranberries, coconut & white chocolate cake
This cake is very simple to make. It is similar to the making of a banana bread except with a few personal twists.
275g organic plain flour
250g organic caster sugar
120g unsalted butter, softened
2 teaspoons baking powder
4 organic eggs, lightly beaten
100g organic desiccated coconut
100g white chocolate, break into small pieces
60g organic dried cranberries, roughly chopped
3 tablespoons Calvados
(* Soak the dried cranberries in Calvados for 1 hour. You may also use Rum or concentrated apple juice if Calvados is not available.)
Preheat the oven to 170C
Lightly grease a non-stick loaf tin (6 x 24 cm) and line with baking paper.
1. In a large bowl, add the flour, baking powder, sugar and coconut and mix well.
2. Use your finger tips to break the softened butter into small pieces.
3. Add the egg mixture and butter to the dry ingredients and mix gently until incorporated.
4. Stir in the cranberries and any remaining Calvados.
5. Stir in the white chocolate chips.
6. Pour the batter into the loaf tin and bake for 1 hour - 1 hour 10 minutes.
(If the top of the cake gets too brown, cover loosely with a foil. To check if the cake is cooked, insert a metal skewer into the centre of the cake and if it comes out clean, the cake is done.)
Leave it to cool for 20 minutes in the tin before turning it out onto a rack to cool further. Serve in slices.