這道菜的原始 idea 出自於Bill Granger*, 但我在材料和烹調都依情況修改了
*(Bill Granger 是澳洲的一位料理達人, 它並不是廚師出身的, 曾經在打工的 cafe, 沒有廚房的設備卻利用燒水壺來蒸蘆筍...憑著對料理的喜愛, 在雪梨開了數家風格乾淨、簡單的 cafe, 他的書、料理風格亦是如此。)
1.5 公斤(整排) 豬小肋排 (整排的烹煮可以保住肉汁), 可將些許肥肉去除
3瓣大蒜, 去皮、壓碎
1塊薑 (約4-5公分大), 去皮、切絲
2 根蔥, 切段
150 ml 蜂蜜
300 ml 醬油
6大匙 日式料理用清酒
150 ml 李錦記海鮮醬
1½ 茶匙 五香粉
1. 將豬小肋排慢烤1小時
2. 利用此時製做醬汁, 將所有剩餘材料放進鍋中, 以中火先將醬汁煮滾然後轉小火繼續小滾 (simmer) 15-20分鐘, 不時攪拌
3. 將烤好的肋排放於一大盤中(帶深度), 倒入醬汁, 放涼
4. 待肋排與醬汁冷卻後, 放入冰箱醃24小時 (中途請將肋排翻幾次面, 以便均勻醃入味)
5. 將醃汁預留, 將肋排放於一烤盤慢烤45分鐘, 若上色太快 (因醃過的肋排含醬汁中的糖分), 可以略蓋 (非包住) 上一張鋁箔紙
6. 此時將預留的醃汁煮滾, 轉小火收醬汁(約20分鐘)
7. 肋排烤好後, 分別切開, 淋上幾匙醬汁即完成
(* 經過兩次烹煮的小肋排非常鬆軟, 而醬汁更是允指般的美味)
English Version:
Apéro 4 - Chinese BBQ ribs
The original idea of this bbq ribs came from Bill Granger's 'sticky spare ribs' but I have modified both cooking methods and some of the ingredients to our taste.
1.5 kg pork spare ribs (remove some of the fat)
3 garlic cloves, peeled and crushed
1 knob of ginger (about 4-5 cm), peeled and julienned
2 spring onions, trimmed and cut into 8-10 cm lengths
150 ml honey
300 ml soy sauce
6 tablespoons Japanese cooking sake
150 ml hoisin sauce
1½ teaspoons five-spice
freshly ground white pepper
Preheat the oven to 160C
1. Slow roast the ribs for 1 hour.
2. While the ribs are roasting, place the rest of ingredients in a saucepan over medium heat. Bring it to the boil, turn the heat down and let it simmer for 15-20 minutes. Stir constantly.
3. Transfer the ribs into a large dish when cooked. Pour the sauce over and let it cool completely.
4. Place the dish in the fridge overnight. Flip the ribs over a few time to ensure the sauce penetrate evenly.
Preheat the oven to 150C
5. Reserve the marinating sauce. Arrange the ribs onto a baking tray and slow roast for another 45 minutes. If the ribs are browning too quickly, cover loosely with a foil.
6. Heat the sauce in a saucepan over medium heat. Bring it to the boil, turn the heat down and let the sauce reduce a bit.
7. Once the ribs are cooked, divide into individuals. Pour some of the sauce over and serve.
(* The ribs break apart easily after twice cooking and the sauce are finger-lickingly delicious!!)