我的一位好友即將要開始一個非常特別和有意義的自行車路跑聯合勸募活動來幫助癌症青少年。 她將會從阿姆斯特丹騎自行車聯合勸募至巴黎, 然後將勸募所得捐贈給ㄧ位於荷蘭的抗癌組織。
我第一次遇見這位勇敢的法國朋友是透過老公的介紹, 因她的弟弟們和老公曾在法國西南的Toulouse土魯斯一起長大, 而我也間接的得知她們的母親在幾年前因癌症過世, 留下我這位朋友(大姐), 一位大弟和另外2位尚未成年的弟弟相依為命。還記得對她的 第一印象是樂觀、全身帶滿著活力的女性! 我們兩人有著一拍即合的默契, 所以在她回到阿姆斯特丹繼續完成學業(她靠著奬學金一路念到碩士)的這段期間我們也一直保持聯繫。
現在她要回到法國一段時間, 而她那勇敢和停不下來的靈魂要展開ㄧ個有意義的自行車路跑聯合勸募活動來幫助癌症青少年, 同時紀念她的母親。
我想幫她做個宣傳, 希望藉著網路將此有意義的活動傳開來; 有能力捐贈的朋友可以連至她的網頁捐贈; 對她的自行車路跑有興趣的朋友也請上她的網頁看看。
我知道我的這位朋友非常努力的將她的每一天活得滿滿的, 也確信她一定能完成這項有意義的活動!
A good friend of mine is about to start a very special project, Cycling Against Cancer. She will be cyclying from Amsterdam to Paris, for a good cause, raising money for a Dutch cancer organisation.
I met this fearless woman through my husband; her brothers are childhood friends with hubby. I've heard about their story of losing their mother from cancer. I remember meeting her the first time in France, she is full of energy and everywhere! We then kept contacts since.
Now I am happy to hear that she is coming back to France temporarily with a very special and meaningful project.
I thought I could help spreading some words around and get as much support / donation as possible. Please visit her blog if you are interested in more of her project and story - Cycling Against Cancer.
Miss Sonia, you have all my supports and I know you will make it as you always do. Looking forward to seeing you in France. xxxx