這道烤味噌鮭魚是我最常使用的鮭魚料理方式之一, 非常簡單且適用於其他含油量較多的魚類。
2 份鮭魚片 (每份約100公克)
3 大匙 信州白味噌
1/2 大匙 蜂蜜 (我使用了 all flowers honey - 全花蜂蜜; 味道上較溫和且較適合用來調味)
1 1/2 小匙 日式料理用清酒
1. 在鮭魚背上切劃數刀
2. 將味噌、蜂蜜和清酒先混合均勻然後倒入冷藏袋
3. 將鮭魚放入此袋中並均勻塗抹上醃料, 包括切口內
4. 將袋內多餘的空氣擠出後, 封口並冷藏醃漬24小時
烤箱預熱 150C
1. 用數張廚紙巾將所有味噌醃料擦掉 (請勿用水沖洗); 此時應可看見鮭魚已醃入味, 魚肉間的原白色紋路應呈味噌色
2. 將鋁箔紙墊於一烤盤上, 放上烤架 (此步驟只是為了方便稍候的清理, 鋁箔紙可墊可不墊)
(請勿將鮭魚直接放在鋁箔紙上烤, 鋁箔紙和食物直接接觸加熱多少會將金屬, 少許毒素滲浸食物, 對人體有害)
3. 將鮭魚片(皮面朝下, 可以在魚皮上塗點油, 防黏) 放上烤架, 烤12-15分鐘, 至表面呈微金黃即可
(若使用較厚重的鮭魚排, 醃料和烹煮上皆需稍做調整)
4. 鮭魚烤好後, 可灑上一些烘過的白芝麻
這道烤味噌鮭魚, 夏天配上喬麥麵沙拉也非常適合
English Version:
Baked salmon with miso
This is one of my easiest ways of cooking salmon and it works well with any kind of oily fish.
2 piece of salmon filets (about 100g each)
3 tablespoons of Japanese white miso paste
1/2 tablespoon of honey (I used all flowers honey as it is more mild when used in cooking)
1 1/2 teaspoons of Japanese cooking sake
For the marinates:
1. Score the skin of the salmon a few times.
2. Mix well the miso paste, honey and cooking sake and put the mixture into a clean zipper bag.
3. Place the salmon filets in the bag and make sure the filets are covered nicely with the marinates (rub the marinates in between the scores).
4. I usually leave it to marinate for 24 hours.
To cook the salmon:
Preheat the oven to 150C.
1. Take the filets out and use some kitchen papers to wipe off all the marinates.
(Please do not rinse the salmon filets. At this stage, you should see all the flavour penetrated into the filets from the 24 hours of marinating.)
2. Line a baking tray with foil and put a wire rack over it.
3. Place the salmon filets, skin side down, (you may also brush some oil on the skin to prevent it from sticking) on to the rack and bake for 12-15 minutes or until very lightly browned. (You may need to adjust the cooking time if you are using a larger piece of filet.)
4. Sprinkle some toasted white sesame seeds when the salmon is done.
I had some steamed rice and stir fried vegetables with a dash of Japanese cooking sake to accompany this salmon.
This salmon is also great with some soba noodle salad in summer.