120-150 公克 新鮮球芽甘藍*
2片 手工做燻培根 (可去燻肉品店購買)
* 選購新鮮球芽甘藍時,請挑緊密且鮮綠色的球芽,越小的球芽越甜美,儘可能挑選同一大小的球芽便於烹調時間均勻
1. 先將球芽甘藍洗淨擦乾水份,切除底部(匆切太多,需保持球芽完整性),對切半
2. 可將培根多餘的肥去除,切條狀
3. 於一加熱的炒鍋(不需額外添加油了)先將培根炒4-5分鐘至呈微金黃
4. 以中大火加入球芽甘藍炒3-4分鐘, 均勻裹上油脂
5. 轉中火, 加蓋燜4-5分鐘
6. 移除鍋蓋並以大火炒2分鐘, 至球芽甘藍內柔但卻還帶青脆
(若使用台灣芥蘭, 烹炒時間需減半以維持養分與青脆)
Brussels sprouts sauteed with smoked bacon
This is another simple but delicious side dish using season's best. Fresh Brussels sprouts are available pretty much year-around, but I prefer selecting fruit and vegetables at their peak seasons. The peak season for Brussels sprouts is from late September to February.
Serves 3 as a side dish
120-150 g fresh Brussels sprouts*
2 slices of smoked bacon, preferably artisanal
* When selecting fresh Brussels sprouts, look for firm and green heads. The smaller ones taste sweeter. Try to select sprouts of similar size for an even cooking time.
1. Rinse and dry sprouts, trim ends and cut into halves.
2. Remove some fat of the bacon (this is optional) and cut into strips.
3. Pan-fry the bacon strips in a frying pan for 4-5 minutes or until lightly browned.
4. Add the sprouts and saute over medium high heat for 3-4 minutes.
5. Reduce the heat to medium, cover with a lid and let it cook for another 4-5 minutes.
6. Remove the lid and saute the sprouts over high heat for another 2 minutes until tender but still slightly crisp.