我們從台北回來了,三個星期的吃吃喝喝、和老朋友敘舊, 完美的旅程!希望下一次的相聚不再是下一個8年
可做4-6 人份配菜
150公克 有機小米(中型顆粒)*
700-800 ml 清水
75公克 奶油
100公克 現磨帕馬森乾酪
目前在歐洲是由歐盟及所在國雙法規管制GM foods(基因改造食品), 而玉米、大豆、棉花、甜菜根(現大多製白砂糖用)、馬菱薯和製油種的油菜籽皆被允許。
若只想單層面(指以上這些食品未經加工或用於其他食用用途上)食用, 可能無法想像它們被食用的廣範; 例如玉米也是餵食家禽、豬牛的主要糧食之一。
目前鄰近法國的其它歐洲國家,西班牙、波蘭境內是允許 GM foods (這裡先談基因改造食品不含基因改造利用於其他項目),法國境內法規目前還不接受,另外加上我選用有機(法國認証)小米,所以可以吃的安心。
我想說的是, 我在自己的blog傳達交換資訊,而不是提倡法國貨。台灣法規和有機認證請自行查明
(若喜歡更滑嫰濃欲的小米糕可以一半全脂牛奶一半高湯代替清水;我個人建議此做法可搭配蔬菜主食, 因此做法已帶足夠的蛋白質了。)
1. 先在一醬鍋中將清水煮沸並加入海盬調味
2. 使用一散蛋器(egg whisk),邊攪拌邊倒入小米粉, 一直拌到完全吸收不結塊
3. 轉小火, 煮約25-30分鐘(視小米顆粒而定), 不時攪拌防底部燒焦(當小米糊已不黏鍋身即表示煮熟)
4. 熄火並拌入奶油和帕馬森
5. 立即將小米糊倒入一方型烤盤或烤皿,均勻鋪平,放至完全冷卻
6. 將烤皿移至冰箱
7. 將定型的小米糕由冰箱取出,切成厚度1.5公分塊
8. 先將一平底鍋加熱, 小米糕分批淋上少許橄欖油煎至2面金黃即可
Pan-fried polenta
We are back from three weeks holidays in Taipei, Taiwan. Taipei has certainly changed a lot since I left 8 years ago...and it is still changing. Happy to see some old friends! Hope my next visit won't take another 8 years!
First thing first, I should really get going with my very expired recipes before Chrissy holidays....
Serve 4-6 as a side dish
150g organic polenta (medium grain)
700-800 ml water
75g butter
100g grated Parmesan
sea salt
some olive oil
(For a creamier and richer polenta, you may also use half full fat milk and half stock instead of water.)
1. Bring water to the boil in a saucepan, season with some sea salt.
2. Use an egg whisk, pour in the polenta and whisk until it is completely incorporated.
3. Reduce the heat to low, cook for about 25-30 minutes. Whisk constantly.
4. Turn off the heat, stir in the butter and Parmesan.
5. Spread the polenta immediately into a baking dish and allow it to cool off completely.
6. Place the polenta into the fridge.
(Step 5 & 6 can be prepared 24 hours prior to the event day.)
7. Remove the polenta from fridge, cut into 1.5 cm slices.
8. Heat a frying pan over high heat, drizzle some olive oil over the polenta and pan-fry on both sides until golden and browned.
Or you could stop at step 4 for a simple and soft polenta; this will go perfectly with Veal Ragù or Duck Ragù! Here is another photo that we had this pan-fried polenta with my homemade confit de canard and artichoke confit, pan-fried to lightly crispy.