

120 公克 燻鱒魚
150 公克 fromage frais*
1大匙 法式酸奶 crème fraîche (可有可無)
一小撮粉紅胡椒 (Rose / pink peppercorn: 它其實不是胡椒, 而是胡椒種的灌木類植物的莓果)
1½ 大匙 黃檸檬汁
1條長型 (telegraph cucumber) 黃瓜, 切薄片, 用廚用紙巾拍乾

* fromage frais 照字面翻譯為 fresh cheese - 鮮乳酪, 與起士的製做類似, 差別在於製做 fromage frais 時會在牛奶中加入凝乳酶 (rennet) 和發酵培養物, 但會不時的攪動不讓 fromage frais 凝固; 給與 fromage frais 和 fromage blanc (white cheese) 像原味優格(帶點微酸味)般的質地。 純 fromage frais 是幾乎無脂的, 但也有為了增添風味而加入鮮奶油的; 若是無法取得fromage frais, 可用低脂的 cream cheese 來取代。順帶一提, 零脂肪的fromage blanc (white cheese) 常被我拿來拌鮮草莓和蜂蜜享用!

將燻鱒魚、fromage frais、粉紅胡椒和蝦夷蔥放入一食物調理機, 打至像慕絲般的質地即可。一邊調味一邊加入檸檬汁。若有使用法式酸奶, 請在調味後輕輕拌入即可。




English Version:

Apéro 6 - Smoked trout dip

120g smoked trout
150g fromage frais*
1 tablespoon crème fraîche (optional)
a pinch of rose peppercorns (berries of the Baies rose)
1½ tablespoons lemon juice
1 small bunch of organic chives
1 telegraph cucumber, sliced, dry on paper towels

* Fromage frais literally means 'fresh cheese';  fromage blanc means 'white cheese'.  The making of these two is similar to cheese, apart from with rennet and starter culture being added to milk and the curds are stirred to prevent from solidification.  Pure fromage frais and fromage blanc can be fat free.  However, cream is often added to fromage frais to improve the flavour.  Please use low-fat cream cheese if fromage frais is not available.  Please discard the crème fraîche if you are using cream cheese for this dip.
If you are able to get some pure fromage blanc, try mixing in some honey and serve with some fresh berries!  A very delightful dessert!

To make this dip:

Place smoked trout, fromage frais, rose peppercorns and chives into a food chopper.  Blend until a mousse-like consistency.  Adjust to taste with the lemon juice.  If using crème fraîche, gently fold it in.

Place a spoonful of smoked trout dip onto each cucumber slice.  Serve as a refreshing tapas.

    創作者 janny 的頭像

    普羅旺斯的天空下 Living in Provence

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