

冰箱裡剛好有昨天用來搭配鮮蝦、燒烤牛肋排與羊排的Tzatziki 醬, 便將剩餘的 Tzatziki 醬鋪滿高纖雜糧薄片, 再配上一杯冰涼的 rosé粉紅酒...簡單又沒有負擔的輕食即完成。


300公克 *有機鮮乳酪 (fromage blanc, 含脂量0%) 或希臘式原味優格 (Greek style yogurt)
1條長型 (telegraph cucumber) 黃瓜, 刨絲
1小把蒔蘿, 切碎
1瓣大蒜, 拍碎
適量的黃檸檬汁, 調味用

* fromage frais (as known as fromage blanc) 照字面翻譯為 fresh cheese - 鮮乳酪, 與起士的製做類似, 差別在於製做 fromage frais / blanc 時會在牛奶中加入凝乳酶 (rennet) 和發酵培養物, 但會不時的攪動不讓 fromage frais / blanc 凝固; 給與 fromage frais 和 fromage blanc (white cheese) 像原味優格(帶點微酸味)般的質地。 純 fromage frais / blanc 是幾乎無脂的, 但也有為了增添風味而加入鮮奶油的; 若是無法取得fromage frais / blanc , 可以希臘式原味優格代替; 我個人偏愛澳洲Chris牌希臘式原味優格 (Chris' Greek style yogurt)

1.  將黃瓜絲放於一濾網中, 灑上1小撮鹽並濾掉多餘的液體 (約1小時左右, 也可再次用手擠乾)


2.  將所有材料 (檸檬汁除外) 放進一大碗, 混和均勻; 於冰箱放置2-3小時, 讓味道慢慢蘊釀



3.  食用前(將拍碎的大蒜取出), 依個人喜好拌入適量的檸檬汁調味即可
*  若是喜歡嗆一點的口味, 可以使用大蒜泥來取代

  雖說希臘的Tzatziki 醬, 常拿來沾麵包一起食用, 但在我家更常用來搭配川燙過的鮮蝦, 當爽口的開胃菜; 或也可將蒔蘿以薄荷葉取代, 搭配肉類料理。

English Version:


Feeling like something light to nibble with...some left-over tzatziki sauce to spread on some mixed grains biscuits and a glass of chilled rose...A simple, guilt-free and satisfying nibbles.  

300g organic fromage blanc or Greek style yogurt
1 telegraph cucumber, shredded
1 handful of dill, finely chopped
1 garlic clove, peeled and crushed
some lemon juice to season
1 pinch of fleur de sel

1.  Put the shredded cucumber into a strainer with a pinch of salt and allow it to drain off any excess liquid (this takes about 1 hour or so).
2.  Place all ingredients (except lemon juice) in a large bowl and mix well.  Allow it to sit for 2-3 hours (in the fridge) for the flavour to infuse.
3.  Before serving, discard the crushed garlic and season to taste with some lemon juice.
*You may also used garlic puree if you like it a bit more piquant.

Apart from serving with the bread, tzatziki sauce (with dills) is often served with some cooked prawns, poached seafood or grilled meats sometimes with chopped mints added to the sauce at our dinner table.


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