以下是我家版本的蘿勒青醬。我個人偏好使用未烘烤過的松子, 因為我認為新鮮松子那微妙的青味保存的較完整; 另外我通常會在最後加入半顆萊姆(lime)汁, 一來可維持蘿勒的翠綠, 再者我認為萊姆獨特的香氣和此蘿勒青醬是絕妙的組合。
蘿勒青醬除了拿來拌麵, 我更常將它拿來搭配豬排或烤肉, 甚至在製做三明治時的麵包塗醬!
可做約300 ml
30 公克 松子
30 公克 帕馬森起士, 刨碎
4-5 瓣 大蒜
100 ml 特級橄欖油
1. 將蘿勒葉、松子、大蒜、帕馬森起士、鹽和部份橄欖油放入食物調理機, 先攪打數秒
2. 在馬達攪打的同時, 緩緩注入剩餘的橄欖油
3. 最後加入半顆萊姆(lime)汁即可
Sweetbasil Pesto
This is my version of pesto. I prefer to use non-roasted pine nuts as I find its delicate flavour is better preserved. Adding a bit of lime juice at the end gives my pesto a great lift up.
I also like to serve my pesto with pork chops, roast meats or even use as sandwich spread.
Makes 300 ml
1 bunch of fresh basil leaves
30g pine nuts
30g freshly grated Parmesan
4-5 garlic cloves
a pinch of fleur de sel
100 ml extra virgin olive oil
juice of half a lime
Put the basil leaves, pine nuts, garlic, Parmesan, salt and some olive oil in a food processor. Process for a few seconds and gradually add in the rest of olive oil with the motor running. Add the lime juice at the end.