Kedgeree 是一源自印度的米料理, 較傳統的版本是將香料、香芹 parsley、分碎的魚肉 (又以燻魚為多)、水煮蛋與印度米 basmati 混合; 又因印度曾受英國的殖民, 此道菜在傳回英國後, 大大的受到喜愛, 時常當做早餐或早午餐享用。
我是在 Good Friday 復活節前一個星期五做此 kedgeree 的; 大多天主教國家在復活節前一個星期五這天通常都會食用魚料理...我便趁機介紹此 kedgeree 給我的法國老公...他給了一個 'approved '!
以下是自家版本的鮭魚 kedgeree:
350公克 鮭魚片, 去皮並切塊
260公克 長型米 (long-grain) 或印度米 basmati*
400 ml (約) 雞湯或魚高湯
1條有機蒜苗 (leek, 只使用白、淡黃綠色部為), 切絲
2茶匙 薑黃粉 (turmeric)
1茶匙 咖哩粉
1茶匙 茴香粉
20公克 無鹽奶油
1. 將鮭魚塊用咖哩粉和茴香粉醃約15-20分鐘
2. 將琺瑯鑄鐵鍋用中火加熱, 加入奶油和少許橄欖油將蒜苗慢慢炒軟
3. 加入米, 灑上薑黃粉, 攪拌, 將米粒裹上鍋裡的油脂和香料
4. 轉大火並倒入高湯, 攪拌均勻; 蓋上鍋蓋, 煮沸約2-3分鐘, 轉中小火繼續悶煮約12分鐘 - 中途請勿掀蓋
5. 熄火, 先不掀蓋, 繼續悶15分鐘 (* 若是使用印度米 basmati, 請縮短1-2分鐘的烹煮)
6. 在另一煎鍋將鮭魚塊以少許橄欖油每面煎約1.5分鐘
7. 將香料飯 (略帶點鍋巴)和鮭魚塊 (我另外還清炒了有機櫛瓜丁)裝盤, 用叉子將鮭魚塊稍稍分散並與香料飯混和即可
若想做較傳統的 kedgeree, 可以拌入 parsley 香芹並擺上幾瓣水煮蛋
English Version:
Salmon Kedgeree
This dish was made for lunch on Good Friday. Kedgeree is an English breakfast / brunch dish with connection to colonial India. The original kedgeree recipe is for smoked (or flaked) fish, parsley, spices, hard boiled eggs and rice.
This is my version of salmon kedgeree:
350g salmon fillet, skinned and cut into chunks
260g long-grain rice (or basmati rice)*
400 ml (approximately) chicken stock (or fish stock)
1 organic leek (white part only), cleaned and finely sliced
2 teaspoons turmeric
1 teaspoon curry
1 teaspoon cumin
20g unsalted butter plus some olive oil
1. Marinate the salmon chunks with curry and cumin for 15-20 minutes.
2. Heat a heavy-based saucepan over a medium heat, slowly fry the leeks with the butter and some olive oil until soft.
3. Add the rice to the saucepan and sprinkle with the turmeric. Stir and make sure the rice is evenly coated with the oil and spice.
4. Add the stock, stir to mix well. Turn the heat up to high and put the lid on. Let it boil for 2-3 minutes and reduce the heat to a low medium. Cook for about 12 minutes with the lid tight on.
5. Turn off the heat. Do not remove the lid, leave it to stand for another 15 minutes.
*(You will need to slightly shorten the cooking time if using basmati rice)
6. Heat some olive oil in a frying pan and cook the salmon chunks for about 1.5 minutes on each side.
7. Arrange the cooked rice and salmon on a serving plate (we also had some sauteed organic courgettes to eat with). Fork the salmon through the rice (and the courgettes) and serve immediately.
If you would like to stick to the tradition, you may add some parsley to the rice and definitely with some hard boiled eggs on the side.