今天要來分享ㄧ鮭魚法式鹹派 (quiche); 相對於傳統的Quiche Lorraine 洛琳法式鹹派(源自於阿爾薩斯), 此鮭魚法式鹹派較不膩, 若是搭配上一杯阿爾薩斯的Riesling就更完美了!
1 條蒜苗 (leek, 只使用白、淡黃綠色部為), 切絲
0.5 顆小洋蔥, 切絲
1 條櫛瓜, 刨絲
2 片鮭魚 (約350-400公克)
1 份鹹塔皮* (因為這裡可以輕鬆取得優質純奶油的鹹塔皮, 所以我使用購買的冷藏塔皮)
4顆 有機雞蛋 (室溫)
300 ml 濃鮮奶油
100 ml crème fraîche法式酸奶
100公克 刨絲 法國 Emmental 起士 (或瑞士 Gruyere)
* 若想自製鹹塔皮, 請參考開胃小點: 一口焦化洋蔥塔佐鴨肝醬
1. 將洋蔥絲用奶油, 加入1小搓海鹽慢炒至微焦化
2. 加入蒜苗絲, 慢炒至軟
3. 在另一鍋中, 使用極少的橄欖油和1小搓海鹽清炒櫛瓜絲(約2-3分鐘), 至熟、尚帶一絲清脆
4. 將櫛瓜絲放於一濾網中, 濾掉多餘的液體 (也可再次用手擠乾)
5. 在另一鍋中將鮭魚片煎至8分熟, 去皮、去魚刺、魚肉分小塊
烤箱預熱至 170C
1. 先將膜具 (我使用 23 cm 的派皿)塗上薄薄一層的奶油, 將塔皮麵團桿至比膜具大約2-3公分的圓片, 輕輕放入膜具內。多出來的塔皮麵團先別急著去掉, 讓它自然的掛著 (請勿使力壓邊, 否則麵團斷落, 塔皮烤後還是會縮); 原因是 - 塔皮通常會在烤的過程縮邊, 刻意保留邊緣的麵團除了可以在最後來修邊, 內餡也不會液出。
2. 於塔皮麵團上鋪一張烤紙或鋁箔紙, 均勻的鋪上烤石, 盲烤12-15分鐘
3. 將烤紙(或鋁箔紙)與烤石取出, 塔皮繼續烤5分鐘至乾即可 (塔皮在此階段無須上色)
烤箱降溫至 160C
1. 將鮭魚、洋蔥蒜苗絲均勻的鋪於塔內; 灑上一半的Emmental 起士和櫛瓜絲
2. 將雞蛋、濃鮮奶油、crème fraîche法式酸奶於一大碗中混合均勻並調味; 加入剩餘的Emmental 起士和櫛瓜絲, 再次混合均勻
3. 將此蛋液倒入塔皮內烤35分鐘
4. 烤箱溫度提高至180C, 繼續烤20分鐘至蛋液凝固
5. 取出法式鹹派, 先放置15-20分鐘後 (讓蛋液持續凝固成型) 再切片搭配沙拉一同享用
(可以利用此時, 取一把利刀或剪刀修塔皮邊)
English Version:
Salmon Quiche
Here is a quiche that is lighter than the Quiche Lorraine and perfect with a glass of Alsace's Riesling!
1 leek (white part only), cleaned and finely sliced
0.5 onion, finely sliced
1 courgette, shredded
2 salmon fillets (about 350-400g)
1 shortcrust pastry* (I use bought one since it is fairly easy to get rich buttery pastry in France)
4 organic eggs
300 ml double cream
100 ml crème fraîche
100g Emmental cheese (or Gruyere), grated
salt and pepper to season
*Please refer to my Amuse-bouche: One-bite red onion tart with homemade foie gras for shortcrust pastry recipe if you prefer to make your own pastry.
To prepare the fillings:
1. Slowly fry the onion with a pinch of sea salt and butter until lightly caramelised.
2. Add the leek to the onion mixture and cook until soft.
3. In another frying pan, quickly fry the shredded courgette with a pinch of sea salt for a few minutes, until just cooked (still with a bite, not soggy).
4. Pour the courgette into a strainer and allow it to drain off any excess juice.
5. Pan-fry the salmon fillets until just cooked. Break the fillets into small pieces and remove the skins and bones. Set aside until ready to use.
For the pastry:
Preheat the oven to 170C.
1. Roll out the pastry and line a 23 cm buttered tart dish. Don't trim off the edges of the pastry as it tends to shrink when cooked.
2. Line the base of the pastry with baking paper or foil, fill with baking beans and bake blind for 12-15 minutes.
3. Remove the baking beans and foil and bake for a further 5 minutes, until the base is dry.
Reduce the temperature to 160C
To cook the quiche:
1. Scatter the salmon, leek and onion mixture over the base of the pastry; sprinkle with half of the cheese and courgette.
2. Combine both creams and eggs in a large bowl, mix and season well. Add the other half of cheese and courgette to the egg mixture and mix well.
3. Pour over the salmon and bake for 35 minutes.
4. Increase the oven temperature to 180C and continue baking for another 20 minutes or until set.
5. Remove from the oven and allow it to cool for 15-20 minutes before serving. (While the quiche is cooling, you may now trim off any excess pastry.)
Serve this quiche with a nice salad and a glass of dry 09 Riesling of Alsace.