自從上週末起, 家中廚房堆了成山的特大顆黃桃(3.6 公斤)、白油桃(2.5公斤)和小杏桃(1.8公斤/已將一部份的杏桃做成雪酪, 食譜候補); 而它們熟成的速度已快要超過我每天狂吃水果的極限了...所以除了預留了一部份的黃桃做雪酪用, ㄧ部份打成泥以便日後調Bellini用...想想奶酥 (crumbles) 似乎是最簡單的解決方案了!
100g 黑糖
110g 中筋麵粉
3 大匙 即食燕麥片
1茶匙 泡打粉
100g 無鹽奶油(切小丁狀)
* 除了季節水果的替換, 請參照蘋果白蘭地香煎蘋果&綜和莓果奶酥一文來製做基本奶酥
3-4 顆 大黃桃 (我使用了3顆, 750公克)
300公克 杏桃
1. 於每顆桃上劃十字, 於滾水中燙20-30秒後取出並立刻放入冰水中。
2. 杏桃去核、切4瓣
將黃桃與杏桃塊分裝於烤皿, 然後在最上層撲滿約1公分的冰冷奶酥。
將烤皿放到一烤盤上、進已預熱的烤箱, 烤25分, 等奶酥表面成金黃即可。待黃桃與杏桃奶酥呈溫熱狀態即可享用, 也可搭配fromage blanc鮮乳酪或希臘式原味優格享用。
English Version:
Yellow peach and apricot crumbles
My kitchen is overflowed with nectarines, peaches and apricots since last weekend and they are ripening faster than I can consume. Apart from keeping some peaches for another round of sorbet, puree for a glass of Bellini; crumbles seem to be the easiest option to use up some of them.
Preheat the oven to 190C
Crumble mixture:
100g of firmly packed brown sugar
110g of plain (all purpose) flour
3 tbs of quick-cooking oats
1 teaspoons of baking power
100g of unsalted butter
Please refer to my "Calvados infused apples and mixed berries crumble" for the basic crumble guidance.
Preparation for the seasonal fruit:
3-4 large yellow peaches (750g)
300g apricots
1. Score a cross on the top of each peach. Blanch the peaches in boiling water for 20-30 seconds, then refresh in cold water. Peel and cut each peach into bite size.
2. Remove the stone from each apricot and cut into quarters.
Divid peaches and apricots into prepared ramekins and top with a generous layer of chilled crumble mixture. Place ramekins on a baking tray and bake for 25 minutes until golden brown. Serve warm or with some fromage blanc / Greek style yogurt.