

這是今年夏天最後一批以水果為主的自製雪酪了。這裡的天氣已稍帶點涼意, 而我也開始在市集上看到些近乎完美的秋梨與新採收的蘋果...看到秋梨的同時, 便想像著在秋意的夜晚來上一塊微溫的洋梨塔....


半顆 黃檸檬汁(帶果肉), 數片黃檸檬皮(避免刨至內層白色部份, 會帶苦味)
200 公克 特細砂糖
400 ml 清水
500 公克 *鮮乳酪 (fromage frais, 含脂量0%)
600 公克 冷凍野生藍莓
(我刻意保留藍莓完整性來增添雪酪口感, 若希望質地細緻些, 請將藍莓打成泥)

* fromage frais (as known as fromage blanc) 照字面翻譯為 fresh cheese - 鮮乳酪, 與起士的製做類似, 差別在於製做 fromage frais / blanc 時會在牛奶中加入凝乳酶 (rennet) 和發酵培養物, 但會不時的攪動不讓 fromage frais / blanc 凝固; 給與 fromage frais 和 fromage blanc (white cheese) 像原味優格(帶點微酸味)般的質地。 純 fromage frais / blanc 是幾乎無脂的, 但也有為了增添風味而加入鮮奶油的; 若是無法取得fromage frais / blanc , 可以希臘式原味優格代替; 我個人偏愛澳洲Chris牌希臘式原味優格 (Chris' Greek style yogurt)。

1.  將砂糖、清水與檸檬皮放入鍋中


2.  以中火先將糖漿煮滾並不時攪拌至砂糖完全溶解
3.  煮滾後轉中小火, simmer 小滾5分鐘
(* simmer小滾: 可以看到鍋底小泡持續上升, 像香檳般)


4.  將糖漿離火於一旁放涼; 冷卻後,檸檬皮可丟棄
5.  將黃檸檬汁(帶果肉)加入冷卻的糖漿

6.  將鮮乳酪(fromage blanc)放進一大碗中, 緩緩倒入糖漿並使用一打蛋器打勻


7.  將野生藍莓加入大碗中, 稍微混勻


8.  倒入製冰淇淋機, 按使用說明將雪酪打至綿柔 (視各品牌、機種的使用方式而異)



9.  裝入冷凍盒冷凍即可


English Version:

Homemade fromage blanc & wild blueberry sorbet

This is my last batch of fruit based sorbet for the summer as it is getting a bit cool over here.  And I am seeing some beautiful autumn pears and newly collected apples in markets...already imagining a nice warm pear tart for a coolish evening!

Juice (and pulps) from half of a lemon, plus a few strips of lemon zest
200g fine caster sugar
400 ml water
500g fromage frais (0% fat)*
600g frozen wild blueberries
(* I kept these blueberries intact for a bit of more texture.  You may also puree the blueberries if you are after a more silky texture.)

*If fromage frais is unavailable, please use Greek style yogurt; I prefer Chris'  Greek style yogurt.

1.  Put the sugar, water and lemon zest into a saucepan.
2.  Stir until the sugar has dissolved and bring it to the boil.
3.  Once boiled, turn the heat down and let it simmer for 5 minutes.
4.  Remove from the heat and set aside to cool.  (Discard the lemon zest afterward.)
5.  Add the lemon juice to the cooled syrup.  
6.  In a large mixing bowl, add the fromage frais and beat in the syrup gradually.
7.  Add the blueberries and mix in gently.
8.  Churn in an ice cream machine until creamy.
9.  Scoop into freezer container and freeze.


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