

我愛普羅旺斯的夏天!  愛市集上杏桃、櫻桃、蜜桃、油桃成熟所散發出的香味!

今夏的第一批杏桃 (共9公斤):  一部份拿來做我最拿手的杏桃果醬, 一部份拿來做杏桃香草籽塔, 一部份解嘴饞用!
(* 法國的杏桃真的又美又好吃, 圖中看到的杏桃只因size過小便被分為 'confiture 果醬用' 等級, 但顆顆可都是達完美熟度的呢!)

6.4  公斤 去核, 切對半熟杏桃 (果肉實重)
2.9  公斤 純蔗糖 (我喜歡純蔗糖的濃醇)
1.5  清水
1½    黃檸檬汁

1.  將糖與水放入一大鍋中以小火煮至滾, 適時攪拌防焦化; 待糖漿滾後繼續simmer小滾10分鐘並不時濾掉泡渣




2.  加入杏桃與檸檬汁以中火煮約3½ - 4小時, 至果醬達果醬凝固点, 不時攪拌並濾掉泡渣 (* 若製作量較小, 可縮短烹煮時間。)



3.  趁熱將果醬裝入呈現溫熱狀態的玻璃罐, 加至滿*並上瓶蓋後放涼。放置冰箱保存可放近1年。
(熱果醬裝滿至罐口並封蓋是利用熱度形成真空; 另一真空做法是 -  果醬裝至8、9分滿, 加上瓶蓋並於一大鍋中加水煮至真空, 水量約至玻璃罐8分滿。**  裝熱果醬時請小心!!)


* 先將空玻璃罐洗淨、擦乾, 放入200C烤箱20分鐘殺毒
* 我使用檸檬汁來幫助果醬凝固

註:  測試果醬是否已達果醬凝固点-jam setting point, 取一小匙放入一冷盤中(事先將一小盤放至冷凍庫), 用手指輕推壓果泥, 若呈皺狀並有皮面形成即表示你的果醬是已達果醬凝固点。我使用檸檬汁來幫助果醬凝固, 我想市面上應也可買到 'pectin'- 暫譯果膠, 它其實是從檸檬皮、香橙橘類的皮乾造後加工粹取而成, pectin 是最常用來幫助果醬凝固。若未達果醬凝固點, 繼續煮並重覆此檢測動作

另外, 可保留些杏桃核, 用開核夾 (或重棍敲) 開外核, 內仁丟入滾水川燙2-3分鐘, 泡冷水, 瀝乾, 去皮(可於一乾淨棉布滾一滾去皮); 分半或打成粉加入熱果醬增添杏味。(* 這裡的杏仁, 即為台灣一般所喝的杏仁奶, 取至杏桃 apricot 子的仁。)




English Version:

Season of Apricots - Part 1 Jamming

I love Provence summer!  Love the smell of ripe stone fruits in markets!  

Here is the season's first batch of apricots (9 kg):  Some for jam making, some for  decent apricot tartelettes and the rest...into my tummy.

6.4 kg apricots, halved and stoned
2.9 kg cane sugar (I prefer using pure cane sugar for it's superior taste.)
1.5 ml water
juice of 1½ lemon

* Sterilize some glass jars in an oven of 200C for 20 minutes.
* I used lemon juice to help setting the jam.  You may also use pectin or pre-mixed jam sugar.

1.  Add water and sugar to a large saucepan and bring it to the boil over a low heat, stir constantly.  Once boiled, let it simmer for another 10 minutes.
2.  Add the apricots and lemon juice and cook for about 3½ - 4 hours until the jam reaches setting point.  Stir and skim occasionally.  (Cooking time may be reduced if your are not making as much as I am.)
3.  Ladle the jam into warm, sterilized jars while still hot and then seal.  Leave it to cool off and then store in a cool place.

*  Test to see if it has reached a set:  Chill a small plate in freezer.  Spoon some jam onto the chilled plate and push mixture with your finger.  If it wrinkles and a skin forms, then it's ready; if not, continue to cook until it reaches that consistency.  
* You can also reserve some apricot stones.  Crack the stones with a nutcracker and remove the kernels. Blanch them in boiling water for 2-3 minutes, plunge into cold water and remove the skins.  Split the kernels in two or grind into powder, and add to the jam.


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