3-5 顆 中型朝鮮薊*
10 公克 松子
20 公克 帕馬森起士, 刨碎
2-3 瓣 大蒜
100ml 特級橄欖油
2 大匙 fromage frais (as known as fromage blanc) 照字面翻譯為 fresh cheese - 鮮乳酪
(*一把波菜葉, 可有可無)
一小撮鹽之花, 調味用
朝鮮薊的準備: 請參考油封朝鮮薊或清燉全雞佐朝鮮薊
1. 將處理好並切半的朝鮮薊於加粗海鹽的滾水煮25分鐘(視朝鮮薊大小)或至軟嫩。 (波菜葉於最後10秒加入即可)
2. 將朝鮮薊(與波菜葉)瀝水後備用
3. 將松子、大蒜、朝鮮薊(與波菜葉)和fromage frais放入食物調理機, 先攪打數秒; 加入帕馬森起士並在馬達攪打的同時, 緩緩注入橄欖油, 打至細緻即可。檸檬汁於最後加入
此朝鮮薊醬除了可以搭配棍子麵包, 我拿它來配碳烤雞胸肉或魚片, 美味!!
English Version:
Artichoke dip
3-5 medium-sized artichokes*
10g pine nuts
20g freshly grated Parmesan
2-3 garlic cloves
about 100 ml extra virgin olive oil
2 great dollops of fromage frais (as known as fromage blanc)
juice of half a lemon
(* a handful of baby spinach, optional)
a pinch of fleur de sel to season
* Preparation of artichokes: please refer to "Artichokes confits" or "Chicken with artichokes".
1. Add prepared and halved artichokes to a saucepan of salted boiling water, boil gently for 25 minutes or until tender. (Add the spinach to the same saucepan at the last 10 seconds, if using.)
2. Pour the artichokes (and spinach) into a strainer and allow it to drain off any excess liquid.
3. Put the pine nuts, garlic, artichokes (and spinach) and fromage frais into a food processor. Process for a few seconds and then the Parmesan; gradually add in olive oil with the motor running. Process everything until smooth. Add the lemon juice at the end.
Try this artichoke dip with some grilled chicken or white fish fillets!