繼去年夏天的'第一季'自製雪酪和冰淇淋, 今夏我打算以多樣當季水果調配綜合口味雪酪做為自製雪酪和冰淇淋的第二季!
200 公克 細蔗糖
375 ml 清水
100 公克 覆盆子, 打成泥並過篩、去籽
7 顆 熟成白油桃
半顆 有機黃檸檬汁和黃檸檬皮(避免刨至內層白色部份, 會帶苦味)
(步驟1-4是製做我的基本糖漿, 可以參考之前的各式雪酪食譜圖片)
1. 將砂糖、清水與檸檬皮放入鍋中
2. 以中火先將糖漿煮滾並不時攪拌至砂糖完全溶解
3. 煮滾後轉中小火, simmer 小滾5分鐘
(* simmer小滾: 可以看到鍋底小泡持續上升, 像香檳般)
4. 將糖漿離火於一旁放涼; 冷卻後,檸檬皮可丟棄
5. 白油桃去核、去皮*並放入一果汁機或食物調理機
6. 於果汁機中加入覆盆子泥與檸檬汁
7. 將所有材料打成泥, 冷卻的糖漿加入果泥中並混和均勻
8. 倒入製冰淇淋機, 按使用說明將雪酪打至綿柔 (視各品牌、機種的使用方式而異)
9. 裝入冷凍盒, 冷凍至你喜歡的硬度即可
English Version:
Raspberry & white nectarine sorbet
Following my last summer's non-stop sorbet making episode, I am combining more flavours of the season this year!
Makes about 1.2 litre
200g fine cane sugar
375 ml water
100g raspberries, pureed and sieved
7 ripe white nectarines
Juice from half of a lemon, plus some lemon zest
(Step 1 - 4 is my basic syrup making, please see my previous sorbet recipes for more photos.)
1. Put the sugar, water and lemon zest into a saucepan.
2. Stir until the sugar has dissolved and bring it to the boil.
3. Once boiled, turn the heat down and let it simmer for 5 minutes.
4. Remove from the heat and set aside to cool. (Discard the lemon zest afterward.)
5. Remove the stones and skins* from nectarines and place into a blender or food processor.
*(I kept half of a nectarine's skin to give the sorbet a bit of texture.)
6. Add raspberry puree and lemon juice to the blender.
7. Process everything until smooth. Mix in the syrup.
8. Churn in an ice cream machine until creamy.
9. Scoop into freezer container and freeze until firm.