之前說過普羅旺斯的夏天充滿了杏桃、櫻桃、蜜桃、油桃李子等水果。 我和老公每人, 每星期各吃約2.5-3公斤的蜜桃或油桃! 今天來分享熟蜜桃或油桃的另一調理方法。
350公克 全熟杏桃和黃油桃, 切對半去核
3.5大匙 糖粉
1.5大匙 黃檸檬汁
全熟蜜桃、油桃非常容易剝皮(這類水果我都以室溫存放至全熟), 只要輕輕以餐刀劃過, 挑拉起皮即去皮完成。 (杏桃無須去皮)
1. 將所有材料用食物調理機或果汁機打成泥
2. 將杏桃與黃油桃醬倒入一乾淨的容器 (若喜歡更細緻的口感也可過篩)
3. 將容器密封, 放置冰箱至需要使用時
English Version:
Apricots and yellow nectarines coulis
Summer in Provence is fruity, heaps of juicy and sweet stone fruits. Hubby and I 'each' consume around 2.5-3 kg of peaches or nectarines per week! Here is another way of using up some of very ripe stone fruits.
350g ripe apricots and yellow nectarines, halved and stoned
3.5 tablespoons icing sugar
1.5 tablespoons lemon juice
Ripe peaches or nectarines are easy to peel. Just lightly score the nectarines and the skin should come away very easily.
1. Puree apricots and nectarines, sugar and lemon juice in a blender.
2. Pour the mixture into a clean container. (You may sieve this mixture if you are after a very smooth texture.)
3. Cover and set aside until needed.
This coulis is great with pancakes, crêpes, vanilla ice cream, French toast or just simply mix with some plain yogurt.
Here are some photos of my buckwheat pancakes served with apricots & yellow nectarines coulis and passion fruit.