10-12 片 燻鮭魚
½條長型 (telegraph cucumber) 黃瓜, 使用削皮刀削成緞帶樣
100 公克 帶皮小馬鈴薯, 用鹽水煮至軟 (以刀尖輕易刺穿過即可)
1 大匙 小顆酸豆 (如果你使用的酸豆含鹽量較高, 可先用清水泡過再使用)
2 人份綜合沙拉嫩葉, 綜合嫩沙拉葉洗淨, 用一沙拉脫水器將沙拉葉瀝乾水分、放於一旁備用
**(佐油醋類的沙拉好吃秘訣: 沙拉葉水分一定要瀝乾, 醬中的鹽之花調味一定要夠)
1瓣大蒜, 去皮、壓碎
半顆 黃檸檬汁
你最好的特級橄欖油, 約60-70ml
將所需的材料放入一小玻璃罐, 使力搖至乳化即可。放置一旁備用。 (大蒜稍後取出。)
1. 馬鈴薯瀝乾後放至溫熱即可去皮, 切片並裝盤
2. 於綜合沙拉嫩葉中先加進2茶匙沙拉醬, 均勻拌上此醬; 將拌過醬的沙拉嫩葉堆於馬鈴薯片上
3. 於一盤中先放一片燻鮭魚, 再放2片黃瓜緞帶, 捲起來; 外圈再以另一黃瓜緞帶包起定型
4. 將燻鮭魚黃瓜捲和剩餘的黃瓜緞帶加入沙拉擺盤
5. 灑上小顆酸豆
6. 用一小湯匙均勻淋上檸檬大蒜油沙拉醬
English Version:
Smoked salmon & cucumber rolls with potato salad
10-12 slices of smoked salmon
½ telegraph cucumber, shaved into ribbons with a vegetable peeler
100g unpeeled salad potatoes, boiled until tender in salted water
1 tablespoon baby capers
mixed young salad leaves for 2, rinsed and drained thoroughly in a salad spinner
Start with the lemon and garlic dressing:
1 garlic clove, peeled and crushed
juice from half of a lemon
a pinch of fleur de sel
your best quality of extra virgin olive oil (about 60-70ml)
To make the dressing:
Place all ingredients into a small jar and shake to emulsify. Set aside until ready to use. (Discard the garlic when serving.)
1. Drain and allow the potatoes to cool for 5 minutes before peeling. Slice and arrange the potatoes on a large plate.
2. Add 2 teaspoons of the salad dressing to the mixed young salad leaves, toss to combine. Arrange nicely on top of the sliced potatoes.
3. Place a slice of smoked salmon on a plate and top with 2 pieces of shave cucumber. Roll it up and wrap the salmon roll with another piece of cucumber ribbon to keep it together.
4. Arrange salmon rolls and the remaining cucumber ribbons around the salad leaves.
5. Sprinkle over the baby capers.
6. Use a small spoon to drizzle with the remaining dressing.