最近身體有點不適, 加上手術後體力較弱, 所以一直沒法分享新文章。 今天想將這較簡單的食譜快快補上...再繼續乖乖聽話, 繼續修養。
這顆有機南瓜是婆婆自家種的, 當她詢問要不要幫我預留時, 我和她說希望可以給一顆中小型的南瓜, 一來是因為家中只有2人, 二來是因為重質不重量, 過重的南瓜帶水量高, 不是我偏好的口味與質感。
當我切開此南瓜時, 看到那鮮橘又多汁的果肉時就知道它一定會非常的美味! 而當我們嘗了一匙此有機南瓜與大麥仁湯, 老公對我說, 真甜!
半顆中小型有機南瓜, 去皮、切塊
半根有機蒜苗, 只取白色、嫩黃綠部位, 切細絲
4 顆中型馬鈴薯 (waxy potato, 馬鈴薯請選含粉量高、含水量低的品種), 去皮、切塊
20克 無鹽奶油
125克 有機大麥仁
1. 先將有機大麥仁於一鍋中煮滾後, 小火繼續滾20-25分鐘至煮熟, 或略帶嚼勁的口感; 瀝乾放一旁備用
2. 於一琺瑯鑄鐵鍋中以中火加入奶油慢炒蒜苗絲約8分鐘, 但注意別讓蒜苗絲上色
3. 加入南瓜、馬鈴薯塊及適量的清水*
(適量的清水:只需足以蓋過所有食材的3/4量; 藉琺瑯鑄鐵鍋絕佳的導熱效果半蒸半煮)
4. 加蓋, 以中火烹煮25-30 分鐘至南瓜軟嫩
5. 熄火, 先不掀蓋, 繼續悶15分鐘
6. 用一打汁機打至濃稠狀後再拌入大麥仁即可。
若有需要, 可以使用些鹽之花調味; 搭配麵包酌餐
English Version:
Late Autumn, my mother-in-law reserved some organic veggies from her backyard and this medium sized pumpkin was just beautifully sweet.
Organic pumpkin and pearl barley soup
1/2 medium sized organic pumpkin, peeled and cut into chunks
1/2 organic leek, (white part only), cleaned and finely sliced
4 waxy potatoes, peeled and cut into chunks
20g unsalted butter
125g organic pearl barley
1. Bring the pearl barley to the boil in a saucepan of water, then simmer for 20-25 minutes, until cooked (or al dente). Drain and set aside.
2. Heat the butter in a large cast iron pan over medium heat. Saute the leek for about 8 minutes, without browning.
3. Add the pumpkin, potato and water* to the pan.
(* Just enough water to cover 3/4 of your ingredients.)
4. Put the lid on and let it simmer over medium heat for 25-30 minutes, until the pumpkin is soft.
5. Turn off the heat. Don't remove the lid just yet, allow it to sit for another 15 minutes.
6. Puree the soup to smooth and stir in the cooked pearl barley. Season with some fleur de sel if necessary and serve with some bread.