

最近度完假, 又遇到熱浪...便發懶不想動, 直到最近氣溫下降, 文章一篇篇堆積, 當季做的已便過季文; 就先從這道7月底吃的烤新鮮沙丁魚佐綜合蔬菜溫沙拉開始補吧。

法國的新鮮沙丁魚季約從每年的6月開始至夏末, 這時的沙丁魚肥美多汁。

在離我們家不遠的另一城市 Port de Bouc, 從每年6月底至夏末的晚上都會舉辦最有名的Les Sardinades, 沙丁魚季; 一份現烤的新鮮沙丁魚只要3.5歐元; 這裡也可以吃到其它以鐵板煎煮的海鮮, 夏天的夜晚坐在人群中、港口邊、滿滿的烤海鮮味, 氣氛有點像夜市!  
這裡附上 Les Sardinades, Port de Bouc 的網站

回來補文, 以下為烤新鮮沙丁魚佐綜合蔬菜溫沙拉食譜:
2 人份

450 公克 新鮮沙丁魚片
- 先以2大匙橄欖油、半顆黃檸檬汁和1顆黃檸檬皮醃20分鐘(室溫)


1小把四季豆, 以海鹽水燙過
2 株 寶寶蘿蔓生菜, 洗淨瀝乾
綜合熟成蕃茄, 切片
5-6 顆油封朝鮮薊, 預留些香料油*
數顆以海鹽水煮熟的小馬鈴薯, 趁熱剝對半, 淋上1-2茶匙油封朝鮮薊的香料油


鹽之花, 調味用


* 油封朝鮮薊請點這

1.  將醃過的新鮮沙丁魚片於ㄧ非常熱的鑄鐵烤盤每面燒烤2分鐘(視大小而異)


2.   將綜合蔬菜分裝至2盤中, 放入烤好的沙丁魚片, 並於沙丁魚片上灑點鹽之花, (如果喜歡的也可再擠點檸檬汁)即可





English Version:

Grilled fresh sardines & assorted warm veggies salad

It's been 2.5 weeks since we were back from holiday.  And there are lots of recipes / dishes made weeks (or even months) ago to be documented.  Starting from this grilled fresh sardines & assorted warm veggies salad.

Sardines season in France usually starts from June through the summer.  This is the best time to taste these juicy and meaty small fishes.

There is a famous Sardinades (Les Sardinades) in Port de Bouc every summer.  You can eat freshly gilled sardines for about 3.5 euros near the port.  This is like a summer nights seafood festival.
Here is the website for more information -

For this salad, you will need:

Serves 2
450g fresh sardine fillets
-  marinate with 2 tablespoons of olive oil, juice of ½ lemon and zest from 1 lemon for 20 minutes.

a small bunch of green beans, boiled in salted water
2 baby cos (romaine) lettuce, washed and dried
assorted ripe tomatoes, sliced
5-6 artichoke confits, oil reserved*
a few boiled small potatoes, break in halves and drizzle with 1-2 teaspoons artichoke confit oil while potatoes are still hot.
fleur de sel to season

* (Please refer to my artichokes confits for recipe.)

Grill the sardine fillets on a very hot griddle, 2 minutes on each side (pending on the size of your fillets).

Arrange other ingredients and grilled sardine fillets on two plates, then season with a pinch of fleur de sel over sardines and a squeeze of lemon juice if desired.


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