

繼續補文 - 這是前一陣子做的另一沙拉餐, 使用了我最最最愛的初春高麗菜, 法文叫 chou pointu 和以前在澳洲愛吃的 Cabbage Sugarloaf 很像, 都比一般高麗菜甜、脆; chou pointu (和 Sugarloaf)  的產季都非常短(最多1-2 星期), 如果不易取得, 另一淸甜、脆的初春高麗菜chou primeur(在法國)也是不錯的選擇; 在台灣的話, 可以考慮高山高麗菜。  
* chou pointu - 語義指'尖尖'的高麗菜, 名字取於它的外型, 切開後內部像萵苣, 較一般高麗菜疏鬆。

2 人份
1 顆 chou pointu, 從頂部對切成4份(1/4 瓣)
1 杯 有機大麥仁
250公克 雞胸肉, 切片
適量的鹽之花 (調味用)

油醋沙拉醬: 紅酒醋、檸檬與大蒜


1瓣大蒜, 去皮、壓碎
半顆  黃檸檬汁
2-3 小匙 紅酒醋
你最好的特級橄欖油, 約70ml

將所需的材料放入一小玻璃罐, 使力搖至乳化即可。放置一旁備用。 (大蒜稍後取出。)



1.  將雞胸肉於黃檸檬汁與橄欖油中醃30分鐘 (室溫)


2.  高麗菜瓣以大火蒸12分鐘, 熄火, 繼續悶15分鐘


3.  將高麗菜移出, 以1小撮鹽之花調味



4.  有機大麥仁依照包裝標示煮熟(或略帶嚼勁的口感); 瀝乾放一旁備用


5.  將鑄鐵烤盤加熱, 雞胸肉分批燒烤, 放於一盤備用並以1小撮鹽之花調味


6.  將高麗菜、大麥仁、雞胸肉與綜合沙拉嫩葉分裝2盤內, 淋上紅油醋沙拉醬即完成


English Version

Grilled chicken, steamed Spring cabbage & pearl barley warm salad

Here is another salad meal that was made a while ago, using my favorite Spring cabbage.  This cabbage, chou pointu reminds me of cabbage 'sugarloaf' in Australia.  

It is sweeter and crunchier than the usual varieties.  Chou pointu is usually available here around Spring for a very short period of time (1-2 weeks maximum).  If you can't get chou pointu (or Cabbage Sugarloaf, both belong to the Capitata Group), chou primeur is another good option.

* (Chou pointu literally means 'pointing cabbage', named from its shape.  When cut open, it has a lettuce like interior.)

Serves 2
1 Chou pointu, quartered
1 cup organic pearl barley
250g chicken breast, sliced
juice from half of a lemon
some extra virgin olive oil
fleur de sel to season
some mixed young salad leaves

Vinaigrette:  Red wine vinegar, lemon and garlic

1 garlic clove, peeled and crushed
juice from half of a lemon
a pinch of fleur de sel
2-3 teaspoons red wine vinegar
your best quality of extra virgin olive oil (about 70 ml)

To make the vinaigrette dressing:
Place all ingredients into a small jar and shake to emulsify.  Set aside until ready to use.  (Discard the garlic when serving.)  

1.  Marinate the chicken in lemon juice and olive oil for 30 minutes.
2.  Steam the cabbage over high heat for 12 minutes, turn off the heat.  Leave the cabbage in the steamer (with the lid on) for another 15 minutes.
3.  Transfer cabbage to another plate and season with some fleur de sel.
4.  Cook the pearl barley, according to the cooking instructions on the package.  Drain and set aside until ready to use.
5.  Heat a cast-iron griddle over medium high heat.  When the pan is hot, grill the chicken in batches.  Transfer the cooked chicken to a plate and season with a pinch of fleur de sel.
6.  Arrange cabbage, pearl barley, chicken and young salad leaves on 2 serving plates, drizzle some vinaigrette over and serve warm.


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