1.8-2 公斤紅蕃茄 (請將紅番茄於室溫中放置幾天, 待全熟透)
1 顆中型洋蔥, 去皮, 對切
2 條小型紅蘿蔔, 略切
6 瓣大蒜, 去皮
適量的特級橄欖油和海鹽 調味用
(註: 新鮮蕃茄的最佳存放式, 是放置於室溫; 視居住地區和氣後而異, 特別是像我所使用的帶莖蒂紅蕃茄, 它的莖蒂允許這些紅蕃茄, 即使是在採收後還是可以輸送養分, 些許的陽光照射或存放室溫數天可以更增加它的熟程度。這也是為甚麼有些蕃茄嘗起來格外甜美。相信我, 當你嘗到蕃茄天然的甜, 一切的等待都是值得的。)
1. 將蕃茄、洋蔥、紅蘿蔔和大蒜放入一大烤盤, 淋上適量的特級橄欖油, 確實將橄欖油覆蓋在蔬菜上, 少許海鹽調味。
2. 使用鋁箔紙將烤盤蓋住, 慢烤1.5小時。將鋁箔紙取出, 繼續烤30分鐘。
(這時可以輕輕撕去蕃茄皮, 也可不去皮。)
3. 將所有烤蔬菜及蔬菜在烤的過程所流出的蔬菜汁一同倒入一打汁機, 打勻即可。
(若喜歡口感較綿至, 可以將此湯過篩, 但我們喜歡可以嚐到蔬菜的口感。)
也可一次多做一點此湯, 放入冷藏庫保存
English Version:
Here is another simple and quick soup recipe, and it is full of the sweetness of tomatoes!
1.8-2 kg of vine-ripened tomatoes
1 medium sized onion, peeled and halved
2 small carrots, roughly chopped
6 garlic cloves, peeled
some olive oil and sea salt to season
Preheat the oven to 200C.
Place the tomatoes, onion, carrot and garlic in a baking dish and coat with olive oil, and season with some salt.
Cover the baking dish with foil and roast for 1.5 hour. Remove the foil and bake for a further 30 minutes.
(I removed the skins of tomatoes, but you don't have to if you don't want to.)
Transfer the roasted vegetables to a blender and blend until well combined. Reheat the soup when ready to serve or you can make a big batch and keep it in the freezer.
We had my homemade organic bread grilled with grated Parmesan to eat with this soup.