我很喜愛咖哩, 而咖哩會因不同國家、地區而有些差異。當我還居住在澳洲時, 很幸運的在自家院子即可取得新鮮的香茅和咖哩葉, 在住家附近也可找到不錯的印度香料店。
我有很常一段時間未動手煮咖哩了, 主要原因是我老公不太吃味道太過於刺激的食物 (其實有不少的法國人在口味上依舊偏好傳統的法國料理, 所以這一方面和他的成長背景有關。) 剛開始, 我蠻不習慣, 因我喜愛各式辛香料, 婚後我慢慢訓練老公, 現在我對自己在老公口味的教育成果還算滿意...雖還未完全結業...但我想應可以讓他嘗試一下簡單版的咖哩雞。
(辛香料部份, 可以在做出心得後, 依自己喜好斟佐調整)
4大隻 土雞或放山雞腿
400 ml 椰奶
250 ml 雞湯
2 茶匙 紅椒粉 (ground paprika)
2 大匙 咖哩粉 (小辣)
1/2茶匙 芥末籽
1 茶匙 芫荽粉
1 茶匙 薑黃粉
1 茶匙 茴香粉 (ground cumin)
薑, 紅蔥頭, 洋蔥, 有機番茄, 西芹菜及紅蘿蔔
(若嗜辣者, 可自行在辛香料中加入小乾辣椒)
1. 先將薑、 紅蔥頭、 洋蔥及西芹菜用食物調理機打至均勻
2. 將琺瑯鑄鐵鍋加熱, 加入極少量特級冷榨橄欖油並將大雞腿分別煎至金黃。將鍋內多餘的雞油瀝出, 只留下約一匙量來炒香辛香料及洋蔥泥 (步驟1的成品)
3. 將所有辛香料及洋蔥泥 (步驟1的成品)加入鍋內慢慢炒香, 約5分鐘
4. 加入雞腿、 切小塊的番茄、 大塊的紅蘿蔔和雞湯加熱煮沸, 轉小火, 加入椰奶並半蓋住琺瑯鑄鐵鍋慢燉25-30分鐘即可。
English Version:
I love curry and there are so many different version of curry depending on its origins. When I was living in Australia, I was lucky to have home grown lemon grass and curry leaf, as well as good Indian grocers.
It has been a long time that I have not made any curry, mainly because my husband has a very 'sensible' palate...this bothers me a lot in the beginning. Now, I am happy to see the influence I have made on his palate. So I thought it might be a good time for me to introduce him a simple version of curry...lol.
Ingredients used for this simple and quick chicken curry are:
4 free range chicken Marylands (thigh and leg attached)
extra virgin olive oil
400 ml coconut milk
250 ml chicken stock
2 teaspoons ground paprika
2 tablespoons curry powder (mild)
1/2 teaspoon mustard seeds
1 teaspoon ground coriander
1 teaspoon ground turmeric
1 teaspoon ground cumin
ginger, French shallot, onion, tomatoes, celery and carrots
salt and pepper to season
*(You may add some dried chillies to the spices. I avoided any form of chillies because of my hubby's 'sensible' palate!! Will need to slowly increase his heat tolerance...)
1. Put ginger, French shallot, onion, and celery into a food processor and process until combined.
2. In a heavy-based saucepan, brown chickens in batches. Reserve just enough chicken fat for frying the aromatics and spices.
3. Add all spices and onion mixture from step 1 into saucepan and cook, stir slowly for 4 to 5 minutes over a medium heat, or until the spices are fragrant.
4. Add chicken, chopped tomatoes, carrot chunks and chicken stock and bring to boil. Reduce the heat to a low simmer, and add coconut milk and cook partially covered for 25 - 30 minutes.
Serve with steamed jasmine rice and greens.