最近已經颳了近一星期的Mistral(密斯托拉)風 ...
(註: Mistral風, 是種強勁、乾燥源自北方或西北方所吹來的風, 這種風通常會在經過隆河谷地時增加它的強度。在隆河谷地時速經常可達每小時90公里, 。Mistral風一年四季都吹, 每次所吹的天數約為1、 3、 5天至一星期。 Mistral風對普羅旺斯和地中海區域的氣候及農作有不小的影響度。)
在這種秋天颳風的天氣裡, 特別是在夜晚, 喝上一晚熱呼呼的湯, 及蔬菜的香甜...能讓我感覺幸福。加上市面上秋季採收的蔬菜一一上市, 我滿腦子全是湯...想來做一系列的湯。
1 顆白花椰菜
1 蒜苗 (我用的是leek,妳們如果找不到的話也可用大蒜苗取代)
3 - 4 顆中型馬鈴薯
800 ml - 1公升蔬菜高湯
(因自製高湯已用完, 我使用現成的蔬菜凍加800ml的清水)
1茶匙 茴香粉 (ground cumin)
少許白胡椒 調味用
1. 將白花椰菜清洗、切塊
2. 蒜苗和洋蔥略切
3. 大蒜壓碎
4. 馬鈴薯去皮、切塊
1. 將洋蔥和蒜苗加入鑄鐵鍋內慢慢炒香5分鐘, 加入大蒜和1茶匙茴香粉 (ground cumin)
2. 攪拌並繼續烹煮3-4分鐘, 加入白花椰菜、馬鈴薯
3. 加入蔬菜高湯, 使用少許白胡椒調味
4. 加熱煮沸, 加蓋, 轉中火繼續烹煮20分鐘
5. 使用一打汁機將此湯物打至濃稠狀即可
(註 1: 我並無始用鮮奶油或酸奶 (cream liquid or cream fraiche), 因為想品嘗蔬菜那一絲淡淡的香甜味。加上我使用了馬鈴薯,其中的澱粉和少量的高湯即可調配出濃稠感。註2: 可將多餘的濃湯放入冷凍庫保存。)
如圖所示, 因為我使用手動攪拌器, 為了不刮傷琺瑯鑄鐵鍋, 我將此湯物倒入另一鍋中進行攪拌。
(起士麵包: 烤相預熱200C, 將法國棍子麵包對切, 灑上法國的emmental或瑞士的gruyere(皆為用於焗烤常見的起士) 烤至金黃即可。)
English Version:
It has been windy for a few days; it is all the doing of the famous Mistral!
Days like these, I just want to have some nice soup to warm myself up. Plus I am starting to see all the autumn vegetables in market and thought I could do a series on soup!
For the Cauliflower Soup, you will need:
1 cauliflower
1 leek
half of an onion
3 to 4 potatoes
1 garlic
800 ml - 1L vegetable stock
(I am using bought vegetable jelly* with 800 ml of water)
1 teaspoon of ground cumin
white pepper to season
(*Vegetable jelly - just another form of the traditional stock cube but it is less salty and taste better than cubes. Just a quick option when I run out of homemade stock.)
1. Cut the cauliflower into florets
2. Roughly chop the onion and leek
3. Crush the garlic
4. Peel and cut the potatoes into chunks
Making the soup:
1. In a large heavy-based saucepan, saute onion and leek for 4 to 5 minutes; add garlic and 1 teaspoon of ground cumin.
2. Stir and cook for another 3 to 4 minutes and add the cauliflower and potatoes.
3. Add the vegetable stock (or 1 vegetable jelly with 800 ml of water). Season with some white pepper.
4. Bring it to the boil. Cover the lid and cook for another 20 minutes over a medium heat.
5. Whiz everything in a blender (or a hand mixer) and reheat the soup when ready to serve.
(* If you are using a hand mixer, you might want to change it into another saucepan so that you don't damage your cast iron (heavy-based) saucepan.)
As shown in picture, we had a piece of grilled bread with emmental (or gruyere).