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目前分類:À Table - Special Events (contains dishes served at a special occasion) 開飯了 - 特別的日子 (15)

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2012-12-06 燻培根炒球芽甘藍 Brussels sprouts sauteed with smoked bacon (1924) (0)
2012-12-05 香煎小米糕 Pan-fried polenta (4051) (0)
2012-10-29 白蘇維濃, Limousin蘋果與洋蔥慢烤豬菲力 Pork filet roasted with Sauvignon blanc, Limousin's apples and onions (929) (0)
2012-10-28 2012 初秋的家宴 Early Autumn Dinner 2012 (299) (0)
2012-06-03 鮮蠶豆、有機蘿蔔及薄荷沙拉 Fresh broad beans, organic carrots and mints salad (277) (0)
2012-05-14 慢烤香料羊腿佐白酒肉汁 Slow roast of herbed Spring lamb served with its jus and white wine reduction (534) (0)
2012-04-10 油封朝鮮薊 Confit d'artichaut / Artichokes confits (593) (0)
2012-04-10 2012 復活節家宴 Easter long weekend festa 2012 (193) (0)
2011-04-19 下酒菜 No. 6 - 燻鱒魚沾醬 Apéro 6 - Smoked trout dip (240) (1)
2011-04-15 下酒菜 No. 5 - 西班牙馬鈴薯蛋餅 Apéro 5 - Tortilla de patatas (1553) (2)
2011-04-12 下酒菜 No. 4 - 嫩烤小肋排 Apéro 4 - Chinese BBQ ribs (347) (2)
2011-04-09 下酒菜 No. 3 波菜、義式ricotta、希臘feta與油漬蕃茄金三角 Apéro 3 - Spinach, ricotta, feta and tomato confit in filo pastry (844) (1)
2011-04-06 下酒菜 No. 2 波菜法式酸奶嫩雞捲 Apéro 2 - Chicken, leek, spinach and crème fraîche rolls (682) (0)
2011-04-03 下酒菜 No. 1 - 義式炸番紅花燉飯球 (Arancini) Apéro 1 - Saffron Arancini (3003) (0)
2011-03-30 Sangria與下酒菜 Sangria & Apéros (915) (2)