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目前分類:My Take on...(contains dishes made with a personal touch or a twist) 我的... (21)

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2012-10-03 我的米蘭式小牛排 My take on the veal alla Milanese (1329) (1)
2012-09-18 我的普羅旺斯燉菜 My take on Ratatouille (632) (0)
2012-06-25 朝鮮薊沾醬 Artichoke dip (1086) (0)
2012-06-12 燒烤牛排、紅石榴與芝麻葉溫沙拉佐濃縮巴薩米可醋醬 Grilled steak, pomegranate and roquette salad with a balsamic reduction (1278) (1)
2011-08-21 鮭魚白酒醬千層麵 Salmon lasagne with a creamy white wine sauce (1147) (0)
2011-07-21 夏日輕食 Tzatziki 醬 Tzatziki (764) (1)
2011-07-08 蘿勒青醬 Sweetbasil Pesto (427) (1)
2011-05-08 鮭魚香料飯 Salmon Kedgeree (1441) (0)
2011-03-28 鮭魚法式鹹派 Salmon Quiche (2722) (1)
2011-03-22 義式燉飯 - 春天版 (外加香煎鮮扇貝) Spring risotto with seared fresh scallops (736) (0)
2011-03-18 韃靼生鮭魚搭Limousin蘋果 Salmon tartare with Limousin's apple (Pomme du Limousin) (664) (0)
2011-03-10 泰式紅咖哩鴨與荔枝 Thai red curry of duck and lychee (1504) (1)
2011-03-08 我的下酒菜 - 香酥雞塊 Tapas - crispy chicken bites (459) (0)
2011-02-17 鮮蟹櫛瓜義式燉飯 Crab and courgette risotto (725) (0)
2011-02-07 烤茄子沾醬 Eggplant dip (Caviar d'aubergine) (2437) (0)
2010-12-10 燉羊膝 - 普羅旺斯 style Provençal style lamb shanks (6256) (0)
2010-11-27 白酒小牛肉醬 My Veal Ragù (611) (0)
2010-11-23 法國傳統家常菜 1 - Hachis Parmentier au Confit de Canard (3534) (0)
2010-10-29 我的紅酒鴨肉醬 My Duck Ragù (2674) (1)
2010-10-20 白花椰菜濃湯 Cauliflower Soup (1855) (2)
2010-10-11 My take on French tourteaux (272) (3)